New year, new season of anime! It is Winter 2025 time! So, it's time to talk about what we are looking forward to in the coming season. I will be monitoring this thread and enabling any shows people mention in the upcoming season so that rikka will make discussion posts for them. Like always, discussion about any other anime topic is also welcome!
As always, remember to be mindful of spoilers. If you want to know more about how to handle spoilers in this community, check the guide here (also linked in the sidebar).
Apart from continuations like Solo Leveling and Apothecary Diaries I'm looking forward to Welcome to Japan Ms Elf the most. I really enjoy the light novel of that series. As for new (to me) series I'm interested in Bureaucrat to Villainess. Just seeing an MC that's closer to my own age and occupation is enough to be hopeful about the series.
That being said, as always, I try to find the time to check out every first episode.
I try to find the time to check out every first episode
Just the thought of trying to do this gives me anxiety. I salute those of you that manage to do this every season.
Watching Mother's Basement's "Worst of 2024" video made me realize that there are far worse things that could be on my screen during the work day than meetings. Props to him for not only watching the start of each of these shows, but also paying enough attention to have something to say about them.
I found that YT channel takes to be exactly opposite to what I liked. It was like they hate everything I like about anime and I hate everything that they praised :-D
Over the years there were a lot of shows that sometimes even turned into my absolute favorites that I wouldn't have touched based on the synopsis alone. March Comes In Like a Lion, Ore Monagatari!!, Non Non Biyori, Akebi's Sailor Uniform, Welcome to the N.H.K., Silver Spoon, etc... I might have picked up a few of them anyway based on word of mouth afterwards, but if I were to just go by synapsis I would just skip everything that isn't fantasy.