Hexbear admin just sent me this. lol. lmao even.
Hexbear admin just sent me this. lol. lmao even.

Hexbear admin just sent me this. lol. lmao even.
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Just so you know, Stalin still loves you.
He would actually put me in a gulag for being queer, an anarchist, and an Esperantist; but if historical revisionism is what helps you sleep at night, you do you.
Unlike in the west 😉.
I'll pray for you.
I'm in a western country and not in jail, so yeah, unlike in the west.
You seem to be temporally confused...
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but our glorious comrade Stalin died quite some time ago.
Eternal glory to our Great Comrade. He is with us always
Rot in hell you tankie piece of shit
Fuck you fascist scum
Says the redfash
Maybe anarchists shouldn't have murdered Bolsheviks and attempted to enact terror plots against the Soviet Union and they wouldn't have gotten liquidated by the USSR?
Just sayin'
It's funny how you use the word "murder" to describe the anarchists' killing and then switch to a euphemism ("liquidate") the second you talk about the USSR's killing.
Shows how completely brainwashed you are.
Liquidate doesn't refer to murder though. Liquidation means to dissolve or disband political organisations, which is what I was referring to.
If you think that I'm euphemising the fact that the Red Army destroyed the Black Army then your implicit bias is showing because they were at war with one another. Murder isn't something that is applied to enemy armies which have engaged one another in war. I'm not complaining about the Black Army killing Bolsheviks in war. That's what happens.
I'm talking about literal extrajudicial murders of Bolsheviks by the Makhnovist secret police.
I forgot that I'm talking to an anarchist.
Sources: Nestor Makhno in the Russian Civil War by Malet, pp. 51-52, 103-104, and 129. Before you say it, here's Malet in his own words in the preface:
It will be clear from the book that the author has some sympathy with Makhno and his ideals, but he trusts that this has not led to gross distortion or untruth.
Kontrrazvedka: The Story of the Makhnovist Intelligence Service by Azarov, pp 32-33 but there's plenty more in there too. Before you say it about him, too:
Azarov was active in the Social-Democratic Party of Ukraine but left that party when its anarchist fractions were expelled. In 1999 Azarov was one of the founders of the political party “Union of Anarchists of Ukraine” (SAU). At the founding congress Azarov was elected chair of the the chief executive organ of the SAU.
an anarchist, and an Esperantist
mein freund you are none of those, you post on the internet and watch v*ush (🤮) streams, anarchists irl are jailed and murdered in the west for trying to make the world a better place, would you like a book recommendation?
hey now they haven't jailed me yet!
Death to america, may they never succeed!
Death to Amerikkka indeed.
We are going to make this a reality.
We travel the Red Road and if you want to join us you are welcome to dm me.
Also we already did make a part of this reality. We raised twice as much as we had hoped for with the summer fund raiser. We are doing much more.
Also we already did make a part of this reality. We raised twice as much as we had hoped for with the summer fund raiser. We are doing much more.
Holy shit man congratulations, that is some spectacular work to say the least! A huge step on the journey to build a better future in the face of the american empire. You and your comrade's struggle is truly inspirational.
It is disheartening though to see people like the OP and the fact they still retain their position on this instance.
Sungmanitu is an indigenous two spirit comrade and to see folks like them dismissed as "tankies" is hurtful
These people are not our allies or comrades and they need to be called out and ostracized because they are harmful to our goals.
Absolutely! Fuck the lot of them, its just beyond absurdity that some fucking v*ush (🤮) fans whose "praxis" amounts to sitting in front of the computer to watch some state dept. failson assclown parrot imperialist talking points and then nothing else have the utter gall to scoff at the work of people who fight an anti-imperialist struggle for their communities day in and day out, breathing life into liberation theory and carrying the torch of communism's great legacy against all odds so their people may finally be free.
And they fucking dare dismiss the fact that the people they look down on lost ancestors, family and friends, dying in agony because of the white supremacist status quo that they have tied their egoes towards running apologetics for? To call people "tankies lol" because they criticize the country that has a systematic extermination program that kills their loved ones?? What the fuck???
Idk its so unreal, I would not want to come within 500 metres of these sick liberal bastards IRL.