Just gonna ignore me having answered your question repeatedly?
I have gone through this entire comment chain three times now and I have not seen you give one single idea about how to deal with these terrorists.
I see a lot of insults, I see a lot of you berating me, I see a lot of you lying about me, but I do not see one idea.
Because you have no ideas. All you have is insults.
Was… was the whole point just to get me to answer it?
No, you have made it very clear that you have zero ideas how to deal with terrorists.
(Can you answer my rhetorical question now, because that’d be kinda silly)
Sure, when you tell me what ideas you have for dealing with these terrorists rather than lie about already giving me those ideas.
Oh, and I don’t know why the hell you think I’m blaming you for this whole mess
You are blaming me for telling people to be apathetic, a lie, and accusing me of running away, so yeah you are.
again “go hug your kid"
Yes, I know what "fuck off" means.
and crying from stress
Lie, I'm not doing that.
but for the like eightieth time, I’m not mad at you for anything.
Something I never said.
You’re not exactly using your wiles to draw me into this even,
Cool, don't have any wiles.
I always enjoy bickering with you.
Yes, I realize you would rather berate me with a bunch of lies than come up with a single idea about how to deal with these terrorists.