Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left

Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
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You’re right. Your comment was very well written, and backed up with so much evidence. I shouldn’t be questioning it.
Thank you, glad you can admit when you're wrong. It shows growth.
Lol. Google “facetious” and “sarcasm”.
I can't unfortunately. Putin doesn't allow me to use google while I spread disinformatsiya
That made me laugh.
Also you should really do the same
It’s ok. Hard to pick up in text. An “/s” would have helped.
If your sarcasm needs an /s it's shit sarcasm and you've got terrible timing.
Kind of validating my sarcasm buddy. The point of sarcasm it’s hard to grasp. You can leave it now.
That's not the point of sarcasm. Do you even know your linguistics? Sarcasm has no point - No tonal conveyance really does - but if you wanna get theoretic with it the point of sarcasm is to deliver critique without the sting, or to subvert expectations and deliver a joke. There isn't a lot of methods of communication were the point of it is to be hard to understand - though some methods are of course used to carry dual meanings to different audiences.