dude, as much as i'm anti-immigration, you're overdoing it, and also, your proposals are ineffective.
in germany, for example, the population that immigrated since 2012 makes up approx. 3% of the total population. that means that the population is roughly 3% larger than it would be without that immigration.
that is what you should be talking about. 3% larger population means higher workforce (supply of labor), and therefore lower wages (prices for labor). That is because the immigrants add almost no demand for labor (since they have a low buying power).
Demand for labor is mainly driven by growth, and we've had two big waves of growth since 1800: Quantitative (industrialization) and qualitative (IT work). Since both of these two waves end their growth approx. now, the demand for labor goes down. There's no point in importing more labor force, it would only make the wages go down. That is what you have to talk about: the decreasing wages through the import of cheap labor. It's essentially wage-dumping in the own country. That is what the people should be talking about. Not racism. We're not better people than them, we just need to get the workforce smaller to drive the wages up.
That requires, ofc, that the borders are closed also for goods and products. If products have to be produced inside the country because the borders are closed, companies can't just do the wage dumping in another country.
Btw, almost everywhere the number of illegal immigrants is extremely low. In the US, they make up 25% of all immigrants, IIRC, which is not much. There's not much there to talk about, especially since these illegal immigrants are good at hiding and hard to catch. But what you can do is to study the socio-economic consequences of immigration/high birth rate and then draw your conclusions. If you really care about the people, you'd first close the borders in all developed countries, and then drop the birth rate really really low. That would give power to the people, since they are in higher demand, and keep the wages as high as possible, because the production would stay approx. constant (think the farmland is constant) but the consumption is lowest, so there's more resources for everyone.