You act like I've never heard any of these arguments before 🙄 when this lesser of two evils, game theory argument is the Democrats' party line to avoid accountability. Keep voting for us!! We won't change at all, in fact, we'll get more conservative, but keep it up! Thanks for the votes!
Why would Biden be conviced to stop funding genocide after we elect him? After he has definitively learned that genocide is not a bridge too far for people to vote Democrat? It's illogical. You're just like oh hopes and prayers Biden will change his mind 🙏 YOU'RE the one being illogical.
Threatening re-election is the only power we have to convince high level Democrats to change. I'm suggesting something that has actual power.
We don't have to limit our political strategy to a single election cycle. If Trump wins, it's the Democrats fault for not adhering to basic moral values. When Democrats realize they will actually lose elections, they will put up different candidates in the next elections and they will support better policies.