Temp? Mine was perms...
Auto-Denies eh? That explains why I hadn't heard from anyone. Didn't even get a deny message really.
It was actually my second perma-ban, I had one before in which I badmouthed Gina Carano, stating that I disagreed with her transphobia and was happy she was gone from the show....
I had been mass-reported for threatening to kill Gina Carano, and clearly it was a bot that just saw the volume of reports, I was unbanned within minutes of sending an appeal because it's pretty easy to see that I said nothing of the sort, it was just Right-Wing Trolls.
I got Right Wing Trolls A LOT, they'd also mass report any post where I pointed out I was trans (regardless of context) for "Advocating for suicide and self-harm."
I must have gotten the "A concerned redditor has reached out to us and we wanted to let you know there's help out there...." message more often than actual ban messages.
They really should have thought of investors before becoming "Banishment: The Website", not gonna be easy to sell a product no one's allowed to actually use...