Banned for misspelling Palestinian and making an argument the mod didn't like.
Banned for misspelling Palestinian and making an argument the mod didn't like.

This was in Lemmy world politics.
Banned for misspelling Palestinian and making an argument the mod didn't like.
This was in Lemmy world politics.
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I have said it multiple times (many times removed) but Jordanlund and Flyingsquid are Jewish Supremacists that are pro-Israel in everything but name. They will show up to anything remotely Israel to defend Israel while saying they aren’t for Israel.
At least FlyingSquid has somewhat of a personality and comments on every day things without making every comment into a battle, even if most of his comments are shit. Can't say the same for Jordanlund.
Make no mistake though, their dogmatic, cosmically inflated, egotistical god complex is visible from space.
That's part of my problem with him, though. He comments on everyday things far too much. His comments are frequently inane and have very little discussion value.
Sometimes, if you don't have anything useful to say, it's better just to not say anything at all.
Ehhhhh, I don't agree there. I like just common banter being acceptable. I'm not trying to gatekeep anyone from having conversation.