the us is an authoritarian state
the us is an authoritarian state

the us is an authoritarian state
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Zionism is a settler colonialism project that was able to really start with the support of British Imperialism. Zionism as a political movement started with Theodore Herzl in the 1880s as a 'modern' way to 'solve' the 'Jewish Question' of Europe. Western Nations supported this instead of instituting legal protections and refuge for Jewish people fleeing persecution.
Herzl himself explicitly considered Zionism a Settler Colonialist project, Setter Colonialism is always violent. The difficulty in creating a democratic Jewish state in an area inhabited by people who are not Jewish, is that enough Palestinian people need to be 'Transferred' to have a demographic majority that is Jewish. Ben-Gurion explicitly rejected Secular Bi-national state solutions in favor of partition.
The existence of Hamas, and any armed resistance movement, is directly due to the decades of violence experienced daily under the permanent occupation, the Apartheid State, of Israel. It's impossible to understand their existence if you don't understand the lived experience and material conditions they are forced to live under. There is no such thing as a perfect victim when it comes to anti-Colonialist resistance, not for the Vietcong, the IRA, or the ANC either. Can you condemn the violence of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in the same way as the violence of the Warsaw Ghetto?
In the Shadow of the Holocaust by Masha Gessen, the situation in Gaza is compared to the Warsaw Ghettos. The comparison was also made by a Palestinian poet who was later killed by an Israeli airstrike. Adi Callai has also written on the parallels in his article The Gaza Ghetto Uprising and expanded upon in his corresponding video
I love that you posted this, but you're wasting your time feeding a known troll.
It is important to push back against Zionist trolls, not for the sake of the troll, but for the audience in the conversation.
It's honestly more for the many more who are just browsing. Although there have been a few that genuinely weren't aware and changed their mind. But yeah, there are also plenty who are simply trolls and completely dehumanize Palestinians if not all Arabs and Muslims. I've got that troll tagged as a Zionist now
Whatever dude, Lemmy is way too far left for me to be arguing at this point. I don't approve of genocide on either side and I'm leaving it at that. I'm not gonna win or even remotely get anywhere so I'll stop wasting everyone's time. It's not productive which is the entire point of having an argument.
Well you're arguing off of misinformation. I provided sources for you to learn about the conflict if you are actually interested. I don't care to argue. You have many resources available and I have even more, such as documentaries. But the books I referenced have the best depth of knowledge about the conflict
I haven't read the sources you posted yet, I've been arguing entirely with the content of your messages as reading the sources in the middle of an argument is too time consuming, however I will go read them just to see if it changes my world view. That is the point of all this. Anyway, cheers (I am not trolling for what it's worth, if you'd rather label me an idiot then feel free to do so)
No, I think it's great that you're looking into the sources, that's something the trolls don't do. There's been decades of propaganda to manufacture consent for Israel's occupation, apartheid, and now genocide. A One-State Solution with equal rights is the way forward. Cheers
Why is it that Arabs live peacefully in Israel yet a Jew steps foot in Palestine and gets killed. Also...just throwing this out there but you should really listen to some of the talks given by Mosab Hassan Yousef, they are incredibly eye opening.
Why is it you lie? most Arabs do not live peacefully in Israel. They are arrested and assaulted frequently. Also history show's it's the Israeli feet in Palestine that result in tens of thousands of dead Palestinian men, women, and children. 20% of the Israeli population is Arab...and they get arrested and assaulted on the daily. That's a fairly substantial percentage for a minority population, seems unlikely for the percentage to both be that high and for them to be treated so poorly and oppressed so throughly especially when they could just defect to Palestine. Additionally Israel has an 18% Islamic population when broken down by religion. Look at Palestine meanwhile, 99% Islamic, 100% Arab...the numbers don't lie, one of them is definitely more tolerant of diversity than the other.
Holy shit, I didn't know the neo nazi talking points made the loop to zionism already. You gonna tell me about how halal meat is a conspiracy next?
You're literally a meme.
That's completely delusional when we're talking about Israel, an Apartheid State, committing genocide on the native population it has occupied for generations. I suggest you read any of the books listed or read any of the sources linked, because you're either unaware of the reality of the situation or have completely dehumanized Palestinian people.
After the Nakba the Palestinians within now Israel that survived the ethnic cleansing were under the draconic Israel Martial Law and Defence (Emergency) Regulations, which we're then practiced in the occupied territories instead after 1967. Even then, Arab Israelis continued to be second class citizens for many reasons including Education (2001 report)
This second class citizenship has only gotten worse. The article goes into a few more examples of how they are second class citizens, especially when it comes to censorship and a lack of civil rights. White very terrible, it's nothing compared to the lack of human rights in the West Bank or the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
Since Hamas’s October 7, 2023 attack, Israeli authorities have clamped down hard on Palestinian-Israeli expressions of dissent over the war in Gaza, while Benjamin Netanyahu’s government — widely regarded as the most rightwing in the country’s history — has advanced a raft of legislation that human rights groups say is discriminatory and infringes on Palestinians’ rights.
They argue it entrenches a system that has long treated them as second-class citizens and as suspects.