Kinda true
Kinda true

Kinda true
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Well a 8 mm Rope already can have a minimum breaking load of 50 kN, roughly equivalent of 5 tonne. So if you don't need to store high lengths of wire rope,.this should be absolutely possible.
I think the complaint is that the suit accelerates toward the alien when the opposite must be true.
The suit also has a built in jetpack, force field generator, and a cloaking device. Who are we to say what is or isn't possible with that thing?
Of course, but ignoring such basic physics does look silly as hell when you notice it, especially when it doesn't feel intentional.
Your logic could be applied to make the suit do literally anything, but I'll bet if it had the power to grant three wishes you'd find it silly too. And that would at least be an intentional choice rather than feeling like an oversight.
Superman is even less close to reality, but it still looks funny to me when he picks up a building and somehow it doesn't collapse. Does he have magic powers to give the building walls super strength? Or did the writers not think beyond "Supes strong, Supes pick up big heavy." It felt very silly once I happened to think about it.
Doesn't make either of them bad, just makes me chuckle.
Ah, yeah that might only work with some assistance.