No. No one is conscious of the CS to OS true consideration. Everyone listens to the writers address the public image. IDGAF about your image not being censored. That's nice but I still won't consider anyone's word as worth anything but as damn near fraudulent and generously as a demonstration of a skill of consideration. Doesn't matter because at the end of the day they're PR reps, not journalists.
Journalism is printing something that someone does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.
CS is nothing more than taking one person's word, someone most just don't know anyway at best, for the doings which said person claims to be done.
Whatever. At the end of the day it's not your computer anymore. It's theirs. It does what they tell it to do, not you.
Your absolute best bet is, assuming you're not actually writing it yourself and let's even give that you don't even know how to read let alone write software instructions, to run Open Source Software instructions. If you understand the human rights and respect involved and give a shit to care for the writers and their work, then you will be as adamant as you may to FREE and Open Source Software.
This be cause I'll take the desperation to be done by masses for the masses over someone I don't care to measure likelihood of, of lacking exploitative opportunity of the masses, when those who code the internet blatantly are doing just that to the masses and not even pretending not to. Yeah, it really is that bad. Given any opportunity, I, and anyone else with practical logic, will just chose to act as if you are another exploitative cracker abusing anyone foolish enough to be a user of your closed source anything. Not because I think that that is who you are.
That because I care not to gamble at all, ever. Thanks, but no thanks.