Do you have any numbers or studies to support your claim?
I hear that all the time. I am a doomer and long for meaningful action, even if it makes my life harder.
I don't fly, hardly travel, live very simple without aircon or heating. Don't eat much meat.
I would love to travel. I enjoy driving, I have a thing for combustion engines. I most times sit out the heat and don't even turn on the fan. I like the taste of beef, yet never buy it. I do this despite me believing that it doesn't make much of a difference and it will certainly not save me.
Some rich person will pollute all I save during my life within a few minutes.
For real change, I believe, it must come from politics, not individuals. And forget about company's responsibility, they clearly don't care.
I just don't see this happening. That's why I believe we won't make it.
Yet, this realization has only made me restricting myself harder. Before I believed so, I lead a much more polluting way of life. "'Cause someone will figure it out"
I think like this: Knowing everyone must die one day, still in no way it justifies doing bad.