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  • It's so beautiful.

    How about you remain competitive by fixing your shit? I've met a lead data scientist with access to hundreds of thousands of sensitive customer records who is allowed to keep their password in a text file on their desktop, and you're worried that customers are best served by using AI to improve security through some mechanism that you haven't even come up with yet? You sound like an asshole and I'm going to kick you in the jaw until, to the relief of everyone, a doctor will have to wire it shut, giving us ten seconds of blessed silence where we can solve actual problems.

  • thanks to this article specifically, Ludic’s going on a podcast with Robert Evans:

    I just agreed to go on a podcast on a whim, then a friend told me it is with the host of Behind the Bastards, and I spat tea everywhere.

    My to-do list today said "go for piano class" and "prepare for rental inspection".

    I am unprepared for this level of prime time.

  • Lol look at the reception on HN.

    First off it was too cool and real to be allowed by their rules, so there are like six [flagged][dead] copies, then Dang allowed it through with the title Please Don't Mention AI Again, as a weird attempt at humor, and then half the comments were all just about how aggressive the article's tone is.

    Basically: what a bunch of squares.

    Actually I just read through the rules and it doesn't actually violate any of them, but I guess there are unwritten rules too.

  • A masterpiece, no notes.

    Also, I read this in SecUnit's voice.

    • I would read the fuck out of SecUnit's take on 21st century AI doom / AI hype.

      • The Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Goon

        Edit: I thought to myself, "deborah's post would be a great fanfic prompt! SecUnit decides to look up the ol family history, and BOOM, it exposes itself to these TESCREAL characters. It would be appalled!"

        Throwing caution to the wind, I went to look up Murderbot on AO3 and now I'm scheduled to get my No Regerts tattoo inked-over next week. It's still a great idea, though!

  • Bookmarked. When the question comes up again, this article will be a good reply because it really brings many of my own thoughts to the point.

  • I left the field, as did most of my smarter friends, and my salary continued to rise a reasonable rate and sustainably as I learned the wisdom of our ancient forebearers. You can hear it too, on freezing nights under the pale moon, when the fire burns low and the trees loom like hands of sinister ghosts all around you - when the wind cuts through the howling of what you hope is a wolf and hair stands on end, you can strain your ears and barely make out: "Just Use Postgres, You Nerd. You Dweeb."

    How do I hire this person, this is something I'd like embroiled in gold letters over my desk. And on the tombstone.