That is not something I would prob do, as I think that is a little bit annoying and spammy. (and I don't like to do things I don't like myself while leaning on 'technically there is no rule against it'. It would also be annoying in a few old subreddits which I used to post in which have nothing to do with all of this (and I don't want to annoy them), so I would to have put more work into whitelisting/blacklisting the various subs. But still thanks, somebody else might want to use it.
So far I have mostly resorted to manually deleting a few posts every now and then so far. (And the few times I still use it nowadays, a few posts per month, I tend to delete the posts eventually already).
I'm also not sure im interesting enough as a poster for people to actually follow me, or that people actually care that much. Tried before the restart to every now and then point towards this instance and I found that process annoying. (So this also means a large percentage of the people now left in sneerclub will be the worst, so it might finally morph into the boogyman the Rationalists always made it out to be).