LibreOffice is a free, open-source office suite developed by TDF, based in Germany.
LibreOffice is a free, open-source office suite developed by TDF, based in Germany.

Originally posted on Reddit
LibreOffice is a free, open-source office suite developed by TDF, based in Germany.
Originally posted on Reddit
I’m a bit uneasy by the use of this meme, considering Homelander is the true evil one…
both Homelander and Soldier Boy are a huge POS in the show.
Yeah but Soldier boy is old retro cool bastard and Homelander is new sparkly evil guy
Yes, but Homelander is indeed the POS upgrade
Have been using Libre exclusively, even at work, for over a year now. Much happier.
I've loved LibreOffice since it was OpenOffice.
I use it exclusively for my work as a consultant, and my studies.
One thing I've learned is that people are extraordinarily reluctant to migrate away from MS Office.
Maybe Office is "better". I couldn't care less.
There's not much I wouldn't put up with to avoid the MS ecosystem.
One thing I've learned is that people are extraordinarily reluctant to migrate away from MS Office.
Humans are habit creatures. That's probably why.
Maybe Office is "better".
They are doing a hell of a job given that one is from a mega corporation and the other from a bunch of volunteers.
Avoiding all this licensing nonsense is reason enough to prefer LibreOffice.
My honest and probably unpopular take is, excel and word are the most complex applications that most people use. They underestimate how much knowledge they have with that specific software - they know how to do everything they need to do and don't have to figure it out.
When they change to something else, it's natural that they don't know how to do all the things that they know how to do on MS.
The problem is, not having encountered this dynamic before, they misconstrue their lack of knowledge about LibreOffice as poor UX.
It's like a weird form of dunning Kruger.
Of course there are exceptions. I'm sure there are some very specific use cases that LO only poorly addresses and that in those cases people really can't do without MS. However I think the above explains the vast majority of LO hesitance.
If just that was true... I am desperately trying to ditch MS office, but LO just isn't on the same level yet imo :(
Curious what you miss?
The features which I miss the most are:
Having sensible workflows / ux. I don't use writer so maybe that one works nicely but the ux in spreadsheets and especially presentations is quite cumbersome
If only it wasn't such a darn crashoholic
You need to specify if you are on windows, Linux or macos. I've not had crashing issues on Linux in what could be years now.
I use both, it's been a mess on both for me