Created a landscape in Krita
Created a landscape in Krita

Created a landscape in Krita
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I love it, great job! I especially like the highlights! Are the puffballs on the side of the road meant to be a particular plant? Thistle perhaps?
Yeah, some kind of puffballs. I kinda added those as an afterthought. I'm from a desert adjacent town and there is a type of puffy buds that grows besides streets. yellow flowers in the beginning and then it turns into those buds, which release a lot of feathery puffiness. I don't know the proper name of the flower even in my native language but they are close to Thistle, sure.
That could describe a pretty good number of species, but I'm going to take a whack at a couple hardy ones that get kinda tall. Could be Sow Thistle or Cats Ears
There's always Dandelions for yellow flowers that turn to puffballs, of course, but they generally have a low habit.
I think it's close to Sonchus, if not exactly that. I'll try to spot it in the community park, next time I go there, they probably don't weed it out and it's found near the boundary walls.
Sounds good! Sow thistle is cool. There's three main varieties. It's a really hardy plant, edible when boiled, and it has a really neat straw-like hollow stem. I know they're a weed, but I'm really rather fond of them.
yes, I find them pleasant on the eyes as well. Everything that isn't plastic, adds some aesthetic value to the environment.