Ahaha I donât explain why đđ
I wrote dozens of posts replying to every single question people had about LXD/Incus. Gave out printscreens, explained how it works, what it does, described useful features and pointed out multiple issues of Proxmox. I can show you what roads you can take and why but you must do the work yourself.
The same applies to the MiniPC vs Raspberry discussion as my price, performance and feature breakdowns and proved countless times that for a large number of use cases a MiniPC is better. Unsurprisingly this is the first of such breakdowns that got upvotes, and do you know why? Because a known youtuber in this space recently came out with a video saying the exact same things I've been saying and now it became "acceptable" to criticize the Raspberry Pi money grab.
to use something they donât know, and not explaining how that would be beneficial
youâve only explained how LXD, when setup correctly, can do what Proxmox does.
Even if that were true, whatâs was the issue then? Isnât it obvious that a true open-source solution that is available on Debianâs repos from a fresh install is better than a half proprietary solution that asks you to buy a license at any turn? Use your common sense.
Besides my comments aren't a marketing campaign there's no "LXD will make you rich today and solve all your family drama" as soon as you complete our three step formula:
apt install lxd
lxd init
lxc launch debian debian-container
The advantage of using LXD/Incus are on the details, not on a flashy and shinny feature. It's about running a clean Debian system, a non twisted and mangled kernel that will conflict with everything and not run stuff like OVPN properly, it's about the license, the tools, not depending on a company, not having to wait 3x the time before your cluster is online. It's about having a decent API for once and so many others.
Most people say they don't want to be put in the same situation they were put about the the CentOS/RedHat licensing change, but then they proceeded to replace CentOS with Ubuntu and still use Proxmox. All questionable open-source that is as likely to fuck you over as RedHat did.
So eventually there will be a video from some youtuber stating that LXD/Incus is much better than Proxmox and people will flock to it without questioning anything. :)