Related to the previous posts bit, but I remember first seeing the Man vs. Bear memes.
I'll admit it was hard not to take it personally at first, because even if you agreed with the core of the message, it feels like you're being lumped in with the worst of menkind for no good reason.
That's probably why the reaction was so toxic, because people just replied with their gut reaction, which was to take offence...
But upon giving it a bit of thought, I realised that as a guy who's lived in some dodgy areas, I think I too would oftentimes prefer to take my chances with a bear than alone with a stranger at night - not cause I think I'd beat the bear, but at least you know what the bear's probably gonna do...
And if I feel that way being a man, then considering (on average) women are weaker than men of the same build, I can see why women would feel that way too.