Yes, he really said it
Yes, he really said it
Yes, he really said it
For context, as a writer at The Atlantic described it:
The negotiators displayed mainly incompetence, as well as cringeworthy servility to their master in the White House. Trump’s part, though, was pure malignity. Shortly after the meeting ended, he criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, lied about the latter’s polling numbers, and said, in a particularly callous remark, that Ukraine had had a seat at the table for three years. How being invaded and having your civilians tortured, raped, and slaughtered counts as a seat at the table is beyond understanding.
Putin has repeatedly said that Zelensky is illegitimate and would not negotiate with him. Guess who isn't invited to this particular set of negotiations?
The US has opened negotiations in a strong position by giving one side everything they asked for, to the point that the Russians are trying to figure out what else they can get away with.
When Trump eventually concludes negations it'll be every bit as hollow as Bush standing on an aircraft carrier with a mission accomplished banner behind him. Trump will demand a Noble prize, just like the one Obama got. Peace will not be achieved.
No, it'll be worse. Trump will use this as a way to remove all sanctions from Russia. He will basically try to reinstate Putin as part of the world economy. After this war of aggression, after all this destruction and death, Trump wants to brush Putin off and put a Halo on it.
Fuck that orange shit stain.
It is not a negotiation if the partners making the deal is not included.
Trump just looking for what he can win from this. He does not care if the deal is fair.
That isn't the point of these talks. Trump, has no ideology other than what makes Trump look good. I'm that vein, these talks will
Trump thinks he's some sort of great negotiator. Putin is laughing the whole time.
I hope the world treats him like the cowardly incontinent little bitch he is
Nobody should fear or respect a single word from this scumbag, call his fucking bluff and that of his spineless and thoughtless followers
Strip them of their lil platform of bullshit
Alienate the US politically and economically until they respond to financial impact of their errors
Drag these dumb cunts through the streets for the world to see, there's no time for this bullshit with these dickless hoes
Don’t worry about economic alienation, they’re already doing that themselves.
It wasn't even that long ago that the news was reporting on Russian troops massing on the border for a "training exercise". How the fuck do people forget that Russia was undeniably the aggressor in this conflict?
Only Trump did I think.
The war dates before that. Since 2014 Russia had snipers in dombas.
Only Trump did I think.
Unfortunately not, have seen quite a few on here just today regurgitating the idea that the Ukraine goaded Russia into invading, so it's like, Ukraine's fault and they started it. Or something. Fuck I hate people, just absolutely no shame, reality is whatever the hell they want it to be I guess.
US is negotiating on behalf of Russia while EU is jerking off in the corner like a pathetic cuck.
Ukraine is so fucked and free world is a bunch of limp dick clowns.
Ukraine needs nukes.
Ukraine needs Nato membership.
Fuck Russia and fuck Trumpland for opposing it.
NATO is not happening now.
EU will NOT do what it takes. Germany's ruling oligarch clan wants Russian gas back on, everyone else can get fucked.
Ukraine needs nuclear weapons to defend itself properly.
I hope they already started the assembly. Ukraine tried to play by the rules and look where it go it. Geopolitics at the end of the day who has the guns and will to use them.
It's not a negotiation. It's a surrender. Trump surrendered.
It's all he ever does
If this is how Trump negotiates, I think we cash see why he been bankrupt so many times
his lack of ability to negotiate has been known for decades. The guy is a clown
Art of the deal ... of losing.
From the view of Putler, this episode of the war is ending, so that the next can start in a few years.... Trump can't plan more than 7 days ahead...
Donald Trump's entire career seems to be built on a single expression he makes. Essentially the one in that picture. I'm not sure what it is but it conveys some combination of superiority, disdain, and disinterest. It's clearly very successful at establishing dominance, for some reason. Awful man.
Yeah, it's been his personality all his life. "I take no responsibility for anything" Therefore, he is absolved of everything.
"The USA should have never attacked Pearl Harbor and Japan!"
Damn japan did nothing wrong? /j
Those ships exploding could really have been dangerous to those low flying planes overhead. Very inconsiderate from the US people. Typical.
'Stupid' just doesn't encompass his complete and utter ineptitude
Unworthy of living could sum it up to some people
He knows it isn't true
His supporters know it in a way, too.
I'm close enough to being American to understand most of their things, but deliberately electing a president that's as bad as possible to spite certain other Americans still seems like bizarre logic.
Damned Poles and their radio stations.
1939 Gleiwitz. Schlesien.
It's weird seeing memes that can be used by both the left and right with wildly different interpretations
Man I can't remember the original meme/context to this one, can you help me out?
I wonder if things get bad enough, Ukraine would take a shot at Trump. Back to the wall and all.
Fuck Trump!
Trump....Just digging a foundation here for my mansion expansion plan that goes into your property! I don't wanna start a war or anything, but I'll just have a bunch of my guys with gun walking around in your property. I assumed that was OK..again, didn't want to start a war. Just trying out our tanks around your town...again, not trying to start a war.
Speaking to those in the USA,
There is much more going on with the Ukraine / Russia war than what the media here told us. Most people make opinions about it, not even realizing that they aren't informed enough about it to have an opinion.
Vague statement from you, what details are you going to give us?
Not going to get into it now, but I've personally spoke with so many who have had opinions on it, and its clear they know very little about what has happened there over the past 10 years, and what has led up to the current situation.
It's "super complicated" Russia thought stealing the rest of Ukraine would be as easy as stealing they did in 14.
It is more complicated, many people don't know about the years before and the power struggles between oligarchs, riots, and assassination plots (it's wild to me to just hire someone who has tried to kill you before). The media fails to give the proper context to put the events into perspective. However, Russia still invaded Ukraine without any reasonable justification, and this was an incredibly disingenuous thing to say.
Its not disingenuous, you just said yourself "many people don’t know about the years before and the power struggles between oligarchs, riots, and assassination plots..."
And yes I agree, the media fails to give context. I think that's because they (mainstream news for example) are more interested in getting you to take a side, than they are just giving you the information.
It was Obama and Clinton not zelensky. Zelensky was merely their tool
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Did Trump send Ukraine weapons that Obama and Biden withheld?
"The weapons that Ukraine used in the early days of this war to fend off the Russian invasion are the weapons that Donald Trump sent, that Barack Obama and Joe Biden had refused to send," Cotton said.
Cotton spokesperson Patrick McCann told PolitiFact that Cotton was referring to Javelins, antiarmor missiles provided by the Trump administration. In 2014, Obama rejected a request by Ukraine for those weapons. Biden was Obama’s vice president.
Trump reversed Obama’s policy; in 2018, the Trump administration approved a plan to sell Ukraine Javelin missiles for $47 million.
"As you can see, it is clear that this form of lethal aid was both important and provided by the Trump administration and not the Obama-Biden one," McCann said.
That's from Tom Cotton, one of Trump's fiercest advocates.
They were for the Ukraine War before they were against it. Pure shills for the MIC. They're only running away from Ukraine now that the conflict has gone south and they can't preen in front of a Mission Accomplished banner on this one.