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  • Repetition and consistency

    Do it every time you remember and don't torture yourself if you forget. Force yourself at first and set up reminders, post-it notes, alarms, whatever.

    At first you'll be annoyed, you may even feel dumb but after a month or two it will become habit and you'll forget less and less .... after a few more months it will become automatic.... after a few years you'll become so attached to whatever it is you'll feel strange not doing it.

    It's how I maintained daily journal writing for so many years. Don't get me wrong, years ago I was sporadic and did an entry once a week, sometimes once a month or skipped an entire summer but now I do it every day. Some days my entries are long, some days I only write a sentence or two but I always get myself to record something every time.

    Now I feel strange when I don't fill in my daily writeup.

  • I was so bad at self-care for this exact reason until I started using the Finch app. Now, I have to keep up with it to make my birb grow and thrive. I even got three friends to use it, and now we are all addicted to self-care. Amazing how we are more interested in taking care of a cartoon bird more than ourselves.