Add RSS feeds to any Lemmy community
Add RSS feeds to any Lemmy community
Hi everyone.
I enabled the bot to add RSS feeds to any community. What you need to do is message this to
/add {rss_url} {community}@{instance}
There are some other commands, to maintain any of the feeds:
- /add {rss_url} {community}@{instance} - Add a new RSS feed
- /delete {rss_url} {community}@{instance} - Delete an existing RSS feed
- /list {community}@{instance} - List all feeds for a community
- /help - Show a help message
I'm still testing out the command interface but I poked at it a little bit, and it worked a little bit. Try it out, let me know what you think, and if it gives you any trouble reach out to me.
You need to be a moderator of the community in order to subscribe to feeds within that community.
Enjoy! Have fun with it.