Banned for misspelling Palestinian and making an argument the mod didn't like.
Banned for misspelling Palestinian and making an argument the mod didn't like.

This was in Lemmy world politics.
Banned for misspelling Palestinian and making an argument the mod didn't like.
This was in Lemmy world politics.
Power tripping bastard for sure, banning someone for misspelling words? If anything that makes him look like a troll, not the OP.
I swear I've seen this same situation some time ago including with the exact misspelling. Could be a coincidence, though.
EDIT: searching misspelling banned
gives a comment by OP from 23 days ago (but the post is gone). I'm assuming what I remember seeing was probably this post before it was deleted and reposted.
Probably. I did post this somewhere else and it was deleted. I didn't know of this place yet lol
Because it's clearly normal for your typography and patience to improve when you're pissed off
Not to mention autoincorrect having gotten so much worse over the years.
finally a space to diss on jordanlund bless 😭
i was banned by this mod for politely noting how certain comments lead to escalation of inappropriate behavior. i noted how by bantering with infringing accounts after comment removal, ! mods actually increased the work they needed to do to remove abusive content and amplified toxic voices as a whole. i used no unkind language and really at the time i genuinely hoped for improvement to the quality of the community.
their response?
don’t use ! their entire mod team is dedicated to just kind of fucking around in a sandbox with thousands of users, not to creating a space for genuine constructive world news engagement. preferably also just stop using when possible.
World is the most carbon copy of Reddit of all instances. And that's not a pro.
I am definitely considering switching from after the blatent censoring of posts and comments from large communities that happened the past few days.
Fucking seriously, that dude is garbage.
Jordanlund is almost as big a piece of shit as LyingSquid.
"Against me? No. The differentiator I experience is because I'm male. I've had a lot of anti-male sentiment. I lost a job because of it. Because somebody didn't like having talking to a guy. Such is life."
This is some borderline incel bullshit here.
This isn’t satire? It reads as satire…
Incredible lol, built to be a mod. Liberal final boss material. Holy shit.
Ahahahhaha how have I never seen this before?
If that's actually him I'll make that my profile picture and start posting in his subs more.
LMFAO, a picture really is worth a million words. How does he look EXACTLY like you'd imagine a permanently online troll would?
Oh wow
Dude’s got the stereotypical incel attitude and the look. Built for modding.
Wait, what? FlyingSquid seems fine. In the only drama I saw involving them, it seemed to me like they were in the right. I asked someone who was all heated up about what a POS they were for some details or examples, and literally all they could come up with was a single un-called for message FlyingSquid sent to one user months ago, which for a full-time moderator means they're way ahead of the curve.
Edit: Maybe I should ask for examples, what did FlyingSquid do?
FlyingSquid has a tendency to threaten moderator action in response to arguments they're heavily involved in, which often comes off as a last-ditch effort to 'win'.
I’ve seen FS straight up lie when banning people, making up excuses etc. For a period they even followed me around commenting on nearly everything I did trying to harass me until I called him out and the “coincidental” replies magically stopped.
FS is worse than JL from every interaction I’ve had with eirher. JL I can see having a bit of common sense and maturity.
Guy never admits he's wrong, ever. And I love the fact that he's married with a kid and seems to be online 24/7.
Yeah, my interactions with FlyingSquid have been fine, but then again, I've never interacted with them in their mod role.
I'm against the genocide in Palestine, and sometimes comment that way.
In my experience FlyingSquid tends to participate in the stupid and toxic aspects of the communities he's policing but doesn't stoop to abusing the power, certainly not to the extent of others I've seen. i.e. I think he could do more positive actions to build a good community but he doesn't use as many negative actions to actively harm the community. is kinda lame in general though, especially when it comes to politics. Very narrow minded and like a bunch of piranhas when it comes to suppressing dissent. If you are easing into lemmy from Reddit you'll feel right at home there.
They definitely will abuse it randomly. I know they're going through lots of shit but damn they have a very hair trigger
I feel the separation between staff and user has already been entrenched.
Looking at modlogs, at times the given reasons show to me at least that they, the mods, have grown tired and are now settling on getting rid of potential trouble rather than fixing it.
Experienced can also mean jaded and in that state of mind you no longer care about circumstances, you just want to get shit done so you'll be rid of another stress you don't want to deal with.
Mods also need a timeout. The volunteer excuse can only work for so long. A way has to be found to prevent them from feeling like they're in a deadend job where they're only greeted with hostility. We need a mod relaxation and decompression program.
Moderation is like politics, and inherently attracts the most narcissistic and authoritarian, so it must be decentralized. As in users have to mod 1 comment/post for every n number of comments/posts they post &/or read after they've been active n number of months, but it would need to be done by averaging moderation across a random sample of users; preferencing users who are least bias and more trusted over time (but without growing dependent on them or their own safe spaces). I'd be happy to mod if it were an occasional part of participation, but I don't want to mod everything, or it to be expected of me when I'm busy with life, or to do it permanently.
FYI Lemmy will ultimately fail because the lead dev is a pathetic despot tankie manchild, as bad as the worst mods on reddit. He created Lemmy to admin ml as his own safe space. He will never give up the power it's given him. It will need to be forked to solve the core problems.
FYI Lemmy will ultimately fail because the lead dev is a pathetic despot tankie manchild, as bad as the worst mods on reddit.
Fork it and move on.
MLs and not giving up power, name a more perfect duo
As in users have to mod 1 comment/post for every n number of comments/posts they post &/or read after they’ve been active n number of months, but it would need to be done by averaging moderation across a random sample of users; preferencing users who are least bias and more trusted over time (but without growing dependent on them or their own safe spaces)
Nice idea. Mods are hard to find indeed, and this system could help
Lemmy.World mods are extremely Zionist and frequently ban users for saying anything remotely pro Palestinian or making a claim about Israel without evidence.
Saying 20.000 killed Palestinians were Hamas without evidence to justify the genocide however, is totally fine.
A very open Zionist "gedeliyah" got promoted to mod on their news community.
Imagine being a regular person with no dog in this race personally and still going yeah, genocide seems good.
I just checked. It was two days ago, but the story about Amnesty International declaring it a genocide is still on the second page of results on !, and the very top story on ! after a series of ones about the United shooting is about Israel killing an American family right after the US government told them where they were so they could avoid killing them.
If the mods are banning people for saying anything remotely pro-Palestinian, they must be busy with something else right now. Are you sure that someone wasn't calling for Israeli civilians to be killed, or something, and got banned for that? Because that might seem similar, to someone with a particular type of mindset, but it's not the same thing, and pretending it's that first thing when it's the second is dishonest.
You assume they have no dog in the race.
Zionist "gedeliyah"
Do you have any example of this ?
He constantly brings up Hamas at every thread about Israel committing crimes and never condemns the IDF. The both sidesing is way too obvious.
They fully admit it and say it's okay they are one because it brings balance to the news mod team.
I've found the news ones even worse
I wish it would be true, maybe there wouldn't be so many terrorist sympathizers on the biggest Lemmy instance in that case
That cat also has a right to self defense.
And I'd wager it doesn't have any doubt about it.
I was banned from c/politics by that same mod because of bullshit reasons too. They're a petty tyrant who can't handle anything that might disrupt their echo chamber.
I just stopped activity in all places that mod had power in. I already had issues with news on lw.
Going to migrate instances later.
So excluding people due to a potential: innocent mistake, minor lack of knowledge, language difference (as simple as UK vs US English, and or different spelling from a different language you might speak. Either way, if you look it up, the spelling you used is not uncommon, it's even used in some MSM reports and documentaries), learning and or one of many other disabilities, shit device.
And they say we create echo chambers when we want to get away from such bullshit.
The fancy name for that is "linguistic prejudice". It's as old as language, and deeply ingrained in human societies, and it's typically subconscious - like, you don't even know why you don't like a certain feature, until you try to find which groups use it.
With that said, if I saw someone spell "palastinian" I'd expect the person to be an English monolingual. Native speakers tend to remember words by their spoken form (non-native ones often do it by the written form), and /ə/ can be represented by ⟨a⟩ or ⟨e⟩ there anyway.
I love the link by the way. Good example of the issue.
wtf is it with lemmy world mods. you think this is reddit? do you want your instance to be an echo champer or want users to just leave and join another?
Clearly you are faking your outrage if you can't spell "chamber". You're rumbled. Banned for trolling.
Lemmy.World so federated it is ran by the feds.
They glowin'
Yes that is exactly what they want sadly
jordanlund's modding is very questionable.
does he know how to mod or he is just doing based on his feelz?
Not surprised, Jordan is one of the fucking worst. If not number one at least number two worst mod on all of Lemmy.
Lemmy has become Reddit
I got perma banned from reddit for telling pedophiles in the doctor disrespect community that regardless of legality, fucking a 16 year old makes you a scumbag. Funny that.
I was banned by an admin for asking a mod why I was banned.
Some places have become like reddit. The saving grace is it never all will. The joy of federation is you can always leave the places they control.
*world showing they want to be reddit but with 3rd party apps
with 4chan mixed in
As usual, for alternative communities
Are we really bringing back the "Ban you for coughing" nonsense from Reddit?
Fother Mucker!
I have said it multiple times (many times removed) but Jordanlund and Flyingsquid are Jewish Supremacists that are pro-Israel in everything but name. They will show up to anything remotely Israel to defend Israel while saying they aren’t for Israel.
At least FlyingSquid has somewhat of a personality and comments on every day things without making every comment into a battle, even if most of his comments are shit. Can't say the same for Jordanlund.
Make no mistake though, their dogmatic, cosmically inflated, egotistical god complex is visible from space.
That's part of my problem with him, though. He comments on everyday things far too much. His comments are frequently inane and have very little discussion value.
Sometimes, if you don't have anything useful to say, it's better just to not say anything at all.
This might be the worst one I've seen on here.
Edit: Also, this is why trolling shouldn't be against the rules... it's way too subjective and always ends up getting abused by shitty mods. I get that people don't like trolling but it's better to be specific and ban the obnoxious things trolls do instead of trying to speculate about their state of mind.
it’s better to be specific and ban the obnoxious things trolls do instead of trying to speculate about their state of mind.
I couldn't agree more with this.
The difference between a troll and a genuine poster is intention - but nobody knows someone else's intentions. And mods should not act based on what they don't know.
Hmm, yeah i thought trolling is specific enough but after some thought it could mean prank(in a good way) or deliberately provoke with inflammatory statement without the intention of debate. So i agree.
Bad faith should absolutely be punished, for its own sake, and by name. But permanent bans are the dumbest thing a moderator can do. It guarantees nobody learns. It chases people to new accounts. It gives people every reason to go behind your back and tell people you're a power-tripping bastard.
What needs tolerance is telling trolls to fuck off. Even when their actions don't rise to whatever asinine cutoff a moderator thinks trolling is - forcing people to play nice with dishonest assholes is psychic vampirism. They fundamentally need to be taken seriously, for their bullshit to work. 'Assume good faith or else!' is a gift to trolls.
In theory this sounds good but in practice it has problems. First, not everyone agrees on what constitutes bad faith interactions, as that's a poorly defined term to begin with. So first you'd have to build consensus around that. Secondly, most definitions are going to revolve around the user's state of mind, which isn't possible to know and in my experience is often misunderstood due to the sometimes heated nature of online discourse.
So how is it fairly enforced? If this question can be answered to my satisfaction, then i agree. But I don't think it can be. Therefore the best approach is to build rules and examples of bad behavior that are objectively verifiable. If these are comprehensive enough then the trolling and bad faith issues will be solved but we won't have people getting banned for being bad at spelling or other BS you see on this com.
It's a systematic problem. The large LW communities have a stranglehold that prevents new ones from taking hold.
For Lemmy to improve, there needs to be a very easy way to find new communities, particularly on different instances!
Currently there is no way to navigate communities on other instances without a direct keyword search, or by opening a private window to get the link directly from the other server as a logged off user. Clicking the 'Communities' link also needs to default to rising new communities, and not to existing communities.
There also needs to be a major change to the hot/active sorting algorithm to favor small communities with higher engagement % over large ones with higher net upvotes (lower engagement %). The top ten communities should be changing from month to month - otherwise large communities will only get further entrenched and moderation will only get worse.
This is a change that the devs would have to implement. Otherwise dbzer0 or lemmyzip or whatever other server that grows next will just eventually turn into LW and the same problem will repeat.
Does anyone know if these ideas have already been discussed in a closed pull request?
That already exists. It’s called “Scaled,” and it’s way better than the default active sort. Why it isn’t the default, I don’t know.
I just unsubscribed from almost all lemmy world communities and checked scaled and it's actually a decent sort. Before it was just spam and junk. Not sure why it changed so much.
For Lemmy to improve, there needs to be a very easy way to find new communities, particularly on different instances!
I'm lazy but might switch instances. Someone care to link me to an easy how-to? Please and thank you.
Under settings there is "Import/Export Settings" on the right side. It turns your profile settings data (including subscriptions and blocklists) into a json file.
Then you create a login on any other server, go to settings and import the file.
It does not transfer your comments and posts or any other community mod stuff. It is essentially a new account, but with the same user configurable settings.
There are three things that are certain in life: death, taxes and internet moderators being power tripping cucks.
internet moderators being power tripping cucks.
Modlog really exposes their biases tho
What a smug shit.
I was recently site wide banned for 30 days for something I said on LW so I blocked the entire instance. I wish this was just an LW issue but it feels like I have to walk carefully around glass. Ultimately what I said was wrong, but it's not a good look.
I feel like if you're still participating in politics@LW, that's on you at this point.
I got banned by him once because I pointed out, in rather colorful language, that a personal attack isn’t an ad hominem if it’s not directly used to refute an argument.
It was a three-day temp ban, in response to:
The evils are the same. There’s no lesser evil. Dead is dead is dead is dead, you fucking shitwit. You absolute twatwaffle. You self righteous piece of subhuman filth.
You do realize how incredibly stupid that argument is, don’t you? Please tell me you realize what a fucking idiot you are for saying something like that. I want to believe liberals aren’t so fucking brain dead. It was just sarcasm, right?
That’s not an ad hominem. If I say your argument is wrong because you’re a piece of shit, that’s an ad hominem. If I point out that the kids in Gaza are dead either way, so your argument is stupid and you deserve what the republicans are gonna do to you, and that I’ll enjoy watching liberals get their comeuppance and that I hope it’s painful and prolonged, that’s not an ad hominem. Learn what words mean before you use them, dumbass.
I don't think it was the part about ad hominem that led to the ban.
It's actually been really interesting reading how people summarize the interactions they had with moderators, and then looking at what actually happened, to see the parts they left out of the summary, and the stuff they put in the summary that wasn't there.
The people who attract moderator attention sometimes also tend to argue in bad faith and engage in personal attacks. Who knew.
Oh man, I enjoyed reading those again, so thanks. Brings a tear to my eye, definitely some of my better work.
pls do me im genuinely curious
Oh shit, son. Stop, drop, and roll 🤣🤌🏽🚒👨🏽🚒
If you bring up anything remotely political you're absolutely going to get banned
I was banned from globalnews (or similar) for saying that killing civilians qwas bad even when Hamas did it. I was banned for being a 'genocide supporter'
And then I was banned from every single community I was in (signal, fairphone, fdroid etc) for talking about the uyguhr genocide
So yeah, I should probably see this as a chance to quit social media completely and go touch grass
When you read this thread, pay attention to how "PhillipTheBucket" runs defense for LW mods. It's subtle and gross. Constantly asking for examples and arguing in bad faith.
There are two types of logic.
I don't know why you're accusing me of operating on the first logic, like it's a bad thing, but you do you.
Asking for examples is not bad faith.
When people ask me for example where LW mods were ignoring feedback on the MBFC bot, I have this thread:
"where is the palestinian right to selfdefense" is dumb enough for a ban. fuck hamas, herzbüllah and the other terror proxies. and those who did not fight them are collaborators.
remember this: there are 9 ppl at a table and then a nazi joins. no one walks away? bam, 10 nazis.
Remind me not to sit at the table with you then.
Wait so in your view, the Nazis are Hamas? Israel is literally carrying out Liebenstraum. I in no way support radical Islamists, but Israel has historically supported Hamas over more moderate or secular political groups like the PLO. This is in line with the larger imperialist tendency to support radical islamists in middle eastern conflicts, such as the Mujahideen, a group that makes Al Qaida and Hamas look like boy scouts, with the aim of further destabilizing the region in order to secure mineral and oil rights for private interests. Palestine's most popular secular political leadwr, Marwan Barghouti, rots in an Israeli prison on made up charges subjected to constant torture since 10/7. This is what happened to the secular popular elements in Palestine, Israel terrorizs them! Israel terrorizes Palestine for 70 years, they created terrorists. This is obviously sad for regular Israelis, but especially Palestinians.
But come on. It's a genocide against civilians. You might as well blame Santa Claus if condemning Hamas, if you won't condemn the Israeli government that carries out these atrocities, as well as imperialism that perpetuates it and makes sure the right people benefit from the mass killing.
Hell, the IDF probably killed more Israelis on 10/7 than Hamas did. Where's your condemnation for them?
That's a funny thing to say about a people facing a genocide. Last I checked it wasn't the Nazis who were victims of apartheid and genocide but the ones doing those things. Like Israel. Have you no soul or have you simply not seen what Israel is doing? Would you like to read amnesty's report on why it's a genocide?
Ah but let us see what string of conspiracys you come up with to say amnesty is Hamas actually.
If you don't like Hamas, you must really dislike the guys who fund them:
Immortal Technique did a good job expressing why this is wrong:
They say the rebels in Iraq still fight for Saddam But that's bullshit, show you why it's totally wrong 'Cause if another country invaded the hood tonight It'd be warfare through Harlem and Washington Heights wouldn't be fightin' for Bush or White America's dream l'd be fightin' for my people's survival and self- esteemn wouldn't fight for racist churches from the South, my nigga l'd be fightin' to keep the occupation out, my nigga
Lol, look at this fucking Nazi.
I’ll gladly support anyone who opposes the genocide, no matter what methods they use. Every Israeli is a collaborator, there are no innocents.