Removed from Reddit because?
Removed from Reddit because?

Edit: apparently they're posters you can download
Removed from Reddit because?
Edit: apparently they're posters you can download
They also removed my lemmy post off r/youshouldknow 10k upvotes
Ironically, I swing by to check out /r/conservative and/or /r/askaconservative every so often to see if any of them are starting to figure it out yet (spoiler alert: they aren't, or they are celebrating it), and they always have a first page thread about how Reddit is just a liberal recruiting mouthpiece these days etc etc.
Today is no exception.
And for a bonus they have a thread about how Ask Reddit is just out of control with bait for conservatives - I took a peek and there are two current threads that have anything at all to do with conservatives.
The conservative persecution complex is strong, never fear.
Remember, conservative voices must be getting silenced because they never shut the fuck up telling us so.
Demonizing outside influences is common to all cults. It innoculates the cult members to those outside influences, leading them to immediately disregard information that contradicts their cultist beliefs, keeping them trapped within the cult's echo chamber more effectively. To keep the cultists innoculated, they have to constantly remind them that they and their beliefs are being persecuted and that the only source of truth, is the cult leaders.
That said, how "real" is r/conservative? I just checked it and every single thread is flaired users only. It's a far more controlled echo chamber than the Donald was in it's heyday, and when the Sint-Petersburg troll farm was brought offline during the usa elections of 2018, the Donald was gone from reddit's front page for the duration.
To me it seems like r/conservative is a method of distributing the current narrative to cultists, but it doesn't require actual input or discussion from those cultists. It seems to actually discourage posting by normal conservative users, since any kind of wrongthink will lead to a ban, and it's hard to keep up with the changing narratives for normal users, so catching a ban is easy.
Trump is openly preparing to invade both Canada and Mexico and these motherfuckers are bitching about Musk being called what he is!
The party of "fuck your feelings" everyone!
I just got a violent content warning for upvoting someone calling musk a "stupid person's version of a smart man" on a post about his trucks being vandalized.
Jfc people should be allowed to call dumb people dumb.
I know. I just like pretending to have a miniscule amount of hope.
I’m about at my wits end with Reddit as a regular user. I have 2 accounts that I’ve used there for a while. One of them is my main user account, the other I use mostly to mod some subs.
My main account recently caught a 7 day ban because of their stupid new “Violence” bullshit. It’s so targeted, and blatantly obvious that it really only applies to comments about certain things. They removed the comment that supposedly triggered it, but all I was was
Hey Leon, you remember when you hit the cybertruck with a baseball bat? Why don’t you go fuck yourself with it.
That’s it, that’s all I said. You could post that same comment directed at an actual Reddit user, and not catch a ban.
Don’t misunderstand me here. I am not now, nor have a I ever been under the delusion that Reddit was the bastion of free speech they tried to claim for years. But seriously, they need to get their fucking heads out of their fucking asses.
They won't get their heads out of their asses. This recent censorship caused me to delete 13 years of comments and posts and delete my account entirely. Good riddance.
Curious. Did you use a tool to delete it?
I got perma banned from my OG account for engaging with ruzzian trolls. Apparently telling them they'd look good fertilizing sunflowers, and digging babushka a fresh latrine pit is "promoting violence". No warnings, just straight to ban. Reddit allows obvious ruzzian gas lighters, but bans those who call them out. That is Reddit today, a hotbed of ruzzian and nazi propaganda.
I got perma banned for being too mean to MAGAs
you probably offended u/Spez on his alt account .
alot of politics and news subs have been co-opted by right leaning people.
Me as well and then I got banned later for evading the band
You hurt their feelings!
Same here, I simply made a comment about "the Muscovites receiving a dose of their own medicine" and fucking Russian shill, Putin Bot and/or MAGAt reported me. To top it off, I did not use a single swear word in the comment. Fuck Russia and Reddit.
It's hilarious how magats don't like free speech when it's directed against them. Bunch of loathesome pussies.
i always commented on many of those subs, how alot of them are just russian bots/trolls, and people respond to these posts like its an actual person doing it, no its all russia. Half of the comments are more than likely russian bots, if reddit actually DOES ITS JOBS, reddit would be a very quiet place. i get that theres alot from US propaganda farms, but it pales in comparison to russia.
you can say russian. you dont need the weird edits here.
The 'z' for me emphasizes the fact that not all russians are war hungery, ignorant ruzzians. Just like all Americans are not Magatz
It's derogatory. It's a play on the stupid "Z" they had on all their vehicles when they invaded Ukraine. "Cuntistan" would probably have got me banned. Anyway, I'll misspell the names of any country I loathe, as much as I like :)
i got temp ban, for reporting trolls, lol. apparently reporting more than once in arbitrary amount of time, is considered report abuse. its the same type of comments you hear from .ml false, pushing a botty narrative.
That's what I got banned for, though mine was permanent.
There has been a recent flood of pro-russia pro-trump moderators in almost all the reddit subs i frequent. I also just got a permanant ban for evasion to post this. "It wasn't enought to just amplify the idiots voices, they have to smother the voices of reason and doubt" Apparently that was uncivil way to speak about the mods.
Reddit has gone the way of Twitter...
Always with the lame death threats from a basement. It's the one rule of reddit.
There was no death threat from me, and what else do you suggest when dealing with a gas lighter or out and out liar? Just lie back and take it?
Reddit sure loves to protect U.S. fascists.
all the big media corporations do. so weird. probably a coincidence.
Just the US ones?
Removing stuff from reddit will make people look for alternatives, good for lemmy.
I just deleted my reddit account. 🤟😎
Same. Too much censorship, too many bots
I deleted my reddit account yesterday. I used Revedit and I realised that most of the comments I had made on there had been removed or hidden without me ever realising...
I was blown away by how many completely normal comments (just part of discussions, not even political) have been removed. Pretty sure reddit automod is broken and I'm not sure if reddit devs are even aware of it
I'm not sure if reddit devs are even aware of it
They likely are, but management is also likely rejecting any attempts to fix it.
I deleted my account yesterday too, I came to Lemmy on the API Exodus and very occasionally checked Reddit but never came around to delete my account until now. Same with my Twitter account.
It's become pretty clear that Reddit has chosen to slide into corpo-fascism. Don't be surprised when signs of dissent are squashed, when rebellious subreddits are systematically suppressed until they're removed entirely, when the accounts of those who resist are closed and IP banned. Abandon all hope of free expression there, they've chosen their side and aren't going to entertain the opposition any longer.
After 12 years, and nearly a million karma, i was permabanned right after HitlerPig was inaugurated, for repeating an opinion that i have stated many times. Nobody ever said a word until HitlerPig was in office, then suddenly I was permabanned. I came over to Lemmy, only to find i wasn't alone.
I suspect the reason is because Ohanion wamts to buy TikTok, and he knows that HitlerPig will be making the decision personally, based on who smooches his ass, follows his orders, and pays the biggest bribe. So as a show of good faith, he abandons Reddit's doctrine of Free Speech.
Reddit’s doctrine of Free Speech.
lol. this is the company that to this day makes zero mention of Aaron Swartz as a cofounder.
no but see corporations are your friends and can be loyal to stuff.
This is the advantage of decentralized platforms like Lemmy. One billionaire can't screw things up for millions of users. They would have to take over all 600 Instances in many different countries to control it.
And then someone would just make a new instance or platform anyways lol
Reddit is a Nazi web site.
Reddit is run by Nazis*
You know how the Germans see it. " If there are 4 people at the table and one of them is a nazi, then there are 4 Nazis at the table" it's a Nazi website.
Because those who appease our new robot overlords will be handsomely rewarded! (Or at least tortured slightly less)'s_basilisk
Now you’re all infected too.
Turns out the Basilisk was just Rich People.
Info hazard! INFO HAZARD!
This is one of the dumbest shit I have ever read.
I never got the motivation this "otherwise benevolent superintelligence" would have to behave like this. There seems to be absolutely no benefit whatsoever that could be derived retroactively punishing people for not working on it (hard enough). Whether or not it does is immaterial to the motivation of those who were convinced it might.
Also, focusing on one possible future scenario and completely ordering your life around it seems, like, dumb.
They can get appease of my balls.
Sounds painful. They'll appreciate that.
I like you. I will cruelly disembowel you last.
Worth it!
This is so sad to see. I had many years of fun on reddit. I wish it wouldnt have become so commercialized. Money just ruins shit too often
There should be a law that when you go public ipo you have to change your brand name. It ain’t Reddit anymore.
wait, you mean ash cans and unobtainable dollars aren't the thing we should all be aspiring to?
Tesla is losing a pile of cash, anyone know how low it needs to go until Musk is going to get a margin call and the whole thing comes crumbling down? He has leveraged himself to the max.
Tesla isn't really losing anything except a bunch of fake market value. It was incredibly overvalued, and now this market correction is sorting itself out.
Idk man friend. I'm kind of worried that this is the start of a big economic recession due to isolationist, regressive, accelerationist etc policies by far right govts.
~$100 was what I've seen claimed, but I dont think anyone but the Saudis really know.
Im pretty sure it was $167. He had crossed the margin threshold once before in 2022. I'm guessing Morgan Stanley picked up some shares and dumped them. 140-167 if memory serves. Im snagging 100p for next year
Started to notice the censorship...tried to warn banned...came here
Because Reddit has chosen the wrong side of history.
Just like multiple German companies did when Hitler and his fascists rose to power.
American companies too, IBM played a role in the holocaust.
As did Ford and GE, and... something about a business plot?
Those companies are still fucking filthy rich though.
Yup. Also got my account suspension due to "suspicious activity" on "upvoting and engaging with discriminatory and violent content".
Meaning I upvoted posts condemning US's current position, and correcting the swarm of misinformation by US shills.
Glad I finally managed to nuke my entire reddit history and delete my account. F' that toxic cesspool. R/Europe and other euro-canadian subs already felt like more US and Russian shills were active than actual europeans or canadians.
As soon as HitlerPig was inaugurated, I was permabanned after 12 years and almost a million Karma. I was sad at first, but more and more, Reddit is filled with bots, trolls, punsters, novelty accounts, and plenty of other nonsense. 50% of most comment sections were bullshit, and its been increasingly difficult to have a good faith discussion without it breaking down because of a flood of bad faith contributions.
I've come to terms with the idea that im better off. Without vigorous discussion, what good is Reddit?
Precisely that. If a forum meant for discussion has its credibility compromised, what good is it as a discussion platform?
It's one thing disagreeing with one's PoV or not tolerating actual aggressive/toxic behavior. It's another entire thing to censor opinions written with civility and arguments, or allow for bots to derail any meaningful discussion and demotivate/shame people for what they believe in. En masse, at that.
I am willing to learn another person's PoV if it differs from my own - heck, if they make a compelling argument and present facts I had not considered I might even change my stance on the subject.
But simply discussing in bad faith and relying solely on insults or disinformation, plus an unwillingness to also consider other people's PoV is not the way to reach common ground on differing positions. That's when I realize that person is playing around and I might as well not give them their fix of dopamine.
I had all my comments admin removed that were criticizing Russia from an academic perspective and academic tone. I even cite and quote well respected interns relations journals that are totally neutral to traditional conservative in leaning. Nope.
What’s so utterly bizarre is that the “conservative” community on Reddit keeps blasting that it’s “ultra-left.” If plainly stating “Russia’s war time economy is something I don’t like” is “ultra-left” then I am fucked and probably already on a list haha
i felt like r/europe was very "r/politics"-like, i distinctly remember one of my old acc was banned from there from a certain comment about ukraine, right before the banning madness began. and then one of the ukraine subs, r/ukraine or ukrainewareport was also getting more restrictive.
had like 80k karma & original content posted over the years, but in the end: Gave me energy to join this community here and transfer.
Good riddance. Less american now, F Sillicon Valley more power to the people
Welcome. I was on Reddit for more than a decade. It was fun while it lasted but we are all better here on Lemmy.
I was in a similar situation karma-wise. I was happy there until I saw how ruthless the mods could be. This is a better alternative to all that.
Killem with kindness
i was annoyed how many foxnews articles was being posted on subs, do you people take fox news as serious enws?
some niche subs are super sensitive if you contradict them, something like r/gym bans you for even mentioning PEDS. i was responding someone qouting rob machelenny from isaip, said if he was juiced he would get that big, which was true by his own admission.
Fox news legally isn't news in the US, its entertainment.
Ye im still somewhat looking into reddit (also to just realize what similar communities I should follow here)
There's just so many whack websites as basis for discussion. Like newsgeek or other tabloids and people act like it's the most official matter.
Feels like everyone only reads the headline and starts mashing their keyboards. And your reception tends to be less text = lie. The recent behavior and interaction feels similar to today's Twitter in terms of rage induction, just for nerds
Welcome! Similar story. I upvoted on a long standing account and got warned. Not sure which upvote did it. I’ve got a few hundred thousand karma across accounts. Had a fair share of OC hitall. Pretty typical engaged user.
Then I tried to help someone in a niche sub with buying bedding. And auto admin mod kept removing my comment post. Then the sub mods messaged me and said they tried to make my comment visible multiple times and couldn’t override the admin.
Then I followed mod advice and reposted my helpful comment only to get an auto banned on all accounts from the admin for “spam” (for two comments? Really?). The sub admin were able to override the ban and reinstate me since I did nothing wrong.
It’s way too frustrating to deal with. Out of the past year like 800 normal/helpful comments of mine have been shadow removed or admin removed.
At that point I’m just talking to myself. After 12 years, I never thought I’d leave Reddit but here we are. Happy to be on Lemmy.
13 years and change here and yesterday I did the deed of hand deleting my years of comments and posts - wiped out my RES settings - deleted my account and that's it. Big time nostalgia going back through all those comments though,
It’s way too frustrating to deal with.
They put in so much effort to stop bots (restricting new accounts alot: read experiences how they wont directly let you know that stuff isnt loading anymore, read about hidden scores and also I remember years back in the beginning how confusing and weird the system was towards me with errors not allowing to post being "unavailable", etc)
And then, they dont offer any supports like ticket systems for actual humans to apply and seek dialogue. (I mean they do, but its all automated responses into complete support restriction after deny without any non-automated input)
They really dont care about the users. And its has the same silicon valley agenda behind it. Especially with the accumulated changes to algorithms. It seems so based on baiting user's interaction rather than seeking genuine connection and helpfulness
And its shocking how hidden this issue is on reddit. And people talking about reddit: all criticism you hear is how its a bubble (esp politically used). But nobody talks about how crazy the handling of users is. I literally been seperated.
Maybe thats the essence of mentioned bubble issue in disguise after all
It's been very wholesome so far.
Thank you :)
Perma banned for a mild comment on some post about billionaires.. oh well
Same, the french would've had my back
Police French or Firefighter French?
Because they are Nazi sympathizers.
I wish the US knew how to protest
They should ask the French for tutoring.
We are, media is being stifled intentionally.
there was a petition on reddit a few days ago, it got 16k signatures ... 16 fucking k in a country of 350 million!
meanwhile, there was 800.000 people on the streets of belgrade a couple of days ago, 4 months after the protests began still going stronger and stronger
americans don't know shit about protesting
I don't mean standing on street corners. I mean replacing ads, billboards, graffiti etc
Teach us the ways. Just remember though, the US is quite large geographically and the cities are pretty spread out.
Just remember though, that excuse didn’t matter during the WoT or 1% protests, Americans were able to gather in huge numbers and coordinate globally.
But somehow in the last 10 years America has physically elongated until those distances that were doable before are now the biggest barrier to stopping literal fascism.
Please stop repeating this self defeating myth.
The atomization of the citizens have had decades to fester in the US.
Single family houses, car dependent infrastructure, lack of private communications will all move people away from forming groups, and make it more difficult to organize.
Living in an apartment makes it easier to form a small group of common interests, you meet other people in similar situations, have ready access to private areas to discuss sensitive subjects, same goes for public transport.
Once a small group has been established, it is far easier to keep it going, than to establish a new group.
And once you have a group it is far easier to organize protests.
That’s like saying “I wish EU knew how to protest” because the states differ about as much as European countries. I don’t hear of a ton of the Eastern European countries protesting like the French, or the Poles do. I think there is a lot of ignorance of how it looks like to be an American from the inside
I love all these. But what I particularly love is that there are three really clever ones and the fourth is like, fuck it, let's just call him a bellend.
ah! it's british for "dickhead"
Do people not know what bellend means?
It's also a village in Worcestershire, although that's two words.
I just found it funny in contrast to the others, but if it works, it works.
I always knew it was deragatory, but now I know what it specifically means!
My favorite part about UK English is that a lot of words are an insult, of course you wouldn't know that you donut.
A complete pillock
Any politician we find to have done something stupid, regardless what party or country we'll call a bellend, it js means dickhead, also very literally.
I feel like everyone here either doesn’t like Reddit or has been permanently banned. Like me lmfao
probably the latter, i was permabanned on 5+accs at once, when i was temp banned on an old one. found out reditt was deliberately doing a massive sweep to eliminate as much accounts as possible early FEB.
too risky to even make a new account or even comment on most sub with my only one that is partially flagged. i tested by commented a bunch on a niche sub that isnt monitored heavily by filters or mods.
From my research last night, mid-late FEB was when all the pro trump mods got intoduced to popular subs.
That's an interesting point. I wonder how many Lemmy users have had nothing to do with Reddit. I can't imagine that many
There are a few. One thing to point out is that Mastadon users can (albeit in a clunky fashion) view and interact with Lemmy communities. I could see someone who is only into microblogging services interacting on a community here when they would have never signed up for reddit.
I still have a Reddit account but I've not logged in since the API business. I really don't miss it.
Deleted my Reddit account after more than a decade today.
Fuck reddit.
Hell yeah brother.
Hey, how about we leave the needless gendering of everything on reddit maybe? Gentle reminder that not everything needs to be gendered and (especially on Lemmy) there are lots of folks who might be put off in some way by this, because it feels very much (at least to me) like something (particularly white cishet) dudes say to each other and not something that applies to folks of all genders and communities, like "friend" for example. Not trying to imply that you are any of those things (even someone who is okay being called dude, I'm not calling you that, intending to be giving a vibe on the statement without judging you) just that that's what I think of when I see that and I wouldn't necessarily mind if someone said it to me (especially in person; I'm currently masc presenting at the least, not sure yet where I actually land) but thinking of others who might feels like something that happens on Lemmy that differentiates the community at large from reddit. Not saying it's always like that, check my recent comments if you want to see examples of how some folks are def still trolling here, but it's better and I hope we can continue to wear that diversity and respect as a badge of honor sort of.
Reddit is run by Nazi collaborators.
I love the simple brilliance of "Elon Musk is a bellend", nothing more really needs to be said.
I came here at the suggestion of others on reddit. I'm still trying to figure out how to find the groups/info that I'm interested in. Looking forward to conversations where comments are unnecessarily removed.
depends on which ones, niche subs on reddit arnt found on lemmy sadly, and some are barely posting. i think by now you can guess which communities tha tpeople have come from, are the ones that were banned in large numbers.
mainly politics, news, reddit, tech,,,etc. i would avoid any conservative subs, or any subs that very biased to one extreme.
We are still pretty small (but growing!) so keep in mind more niche or focused communities may be less active. A common example is posting in a game community (like ! instead of looking for a specific community. However, if you're dedicated and could post a few times a week you can make your own community and people will come.
The best resource for looking for communities is still Lemmyverse as it tracks all communities (your instance search will only retrieve results from its users subscriptions.
Just left reddit...getting used to now
i saw .ML and .WORld, WEVE been told to avoid .ml, and world i cant even get registered anyways, and since you can just use account on this one and look world post.
White power steering is hilarious. Who ever made these is great
I love that its "Nazi, Nazi, Nazi ... Bellend"
So desperate to even be Zuckerberg relevant pathetic
I'm trying to understand this comment. What exactly do you mean?
Reddit is a massive social media, and Spez seems desperate to be at the same table as the likes of Zuckerberg. I think this sort of behaviour highlights it.
I am a Reddit refugee aswel. The moderators over there are way too petty. They removed countless posts from me for totally unclear reasons.
I don't think most people realize, Reddit itself silently removes a lot of comments and posts, and not all of them even show up in the mod queues for mods to review them.
It's quite possible a Reddit AI removed your posts and no human even saw them.
alot of the bans currently are reddit AI too. if you get that generic ban message, that doesnt give you the actual incident/comment of the ban, its most likely done automatically. its almost always "your account was ban for multi-violations on several accts" these are almost never repealable and you will get an AI rejection instead.
It's dumb, you see posts deleted all the fucking time that fit the spirit of subreddits. Half the time the OPs don't even know their post was deleted by the mods, and there's absolutely no comment from the mods indicating why it was removed.
I miss 2010 Reddit.
i think recent bans are coming from top down, aka reddit amins, and spez. the massive amount of people banned are from that right now.
I didn't even wait that long. The site has been going noticably shitward for a long time. Powertripping mods with absolutely no sense of sarcasm or (gasp) humor, complete asshole userbase, comments and posts getting more and more idiotic. I still have an account but I don't feel any need to go there anymore. Reddit was a certain day-spoiler, retrospectively.
I've never known a bigger zealot than a r/athiesm user, nor a bigger power tripper than a Reddit mod.
I recently deleted my +10y (cant remember anymore how old it was) old account. I had not logged in with it since the first exodus.
In my time, I started from the old reddit, saw the changes to more modern UI twice. I "collaborated" with the pixel art canvas event. (twice?) (last was fullout among us dithering) And finally saw the full revolt against spez that ended my journey there. (plus the complete enshittification of the reddit app)
It'd probably because Huffman/Spez is a Musk wannabe.
If you can't post innocuous things like this to reddit, what is even the point of going there? That site went downhill extremely fast. Good, fuck reddit!
Still okay for talking about anything that isn't critical of authority, I guess. So just hobbies and such. Serious discussion must be made elsewhere.
Can safely upvote and share without breaking Terms and Conditions
let me tell you how you get removed from
I love the juxtaposition between the well thought out slogans and then just calling him a bellend.
FYI, bellend is like dickhead.
"white power steering" that's brilliant(ly depressingly accurate)
UK has a solid subvertising movement, I love it.
Because Spez is Elon Musk's little bitch.
Not sure what this is about
Not sure what this is about
If I were to give them the biggest empathy I can muster, they may just remove it as silently as possible out of fear of having to moderate the comments of bound-to-be popular post according to reddit's increasingly stupid rules of discourse.
Still unjustified censorship, very worrysome - but I could on an emotional level understand being fed up with everything at this point and just powertripping because "fuck everything, I don't want to deal with anything like this, I am not getting paid enough/at all".
Fair. They're volunteers, and they've given a lot to their sub so may want to keep it going in the chaos. They could be at work and just not have time to manage comments breaking the new stupid rules
That's what locking is for, not removing.
Locking is actually better in that case because then it prevents reposts. admins be like: "We're not so different, you and I."
felt like that site/instance is mostly shills for right wingers. almost anyone have an acct on there or post form there always a right winger doing it.
I think you're mistaking socialist critique for right wing. I've done that myself in the past. I automatically assumed that people critical of centrist or liberal politics are rabid right wingers. Turns out people from the left also criticize those politics. Throughout most of my life such criticism always came from right, so I used to assume it's coming from right wing nuts. If you don't ask any questions about why, the single-sentence critique can look identical. E.g. "Democrats are hot garbage." But if you ask why, it often turns out the reasoning and the proposed solutions are quite different. E.g. workers in the US are struggling. A right wing nut might want to get rid of government to solve that. A socialist might want to strengthen labor unions, tax the rich and nationalize healthcare. They both think the Democrats are shit since the party is doing neither. People from .ml are overwhelmingly comrades criticising from the left. In fact .ml stands for Marxist-Leninist.
Is that a Falling Down reference?
No it's a reference to .ml being an authoritarian shithole. Just as reddit as this point.
Reddit is going from bad to worse damn
So where do I go raise hell with my reddit accounts that have not yet been banned? Automod seems to catch me fast at high pop subs for posts... But maybe the answer is making comments. Idk.
Sell 'em? I've thought about it.
Elon Musk is a terrible human being. I can't believe we are living in this timeline.
The worst part about all this is knowing that the power really does rest with the people, we're just too stupid and divided to utilize it.
This was all so comically easy to avoid.
But our society is so comically stupid that we didn't.
Why does everyone still care so much about what Reddit does?
Maybe because it's the reddit thread?
i think people were getting permabanned for the slightest indiscretion, or even the current reddit anti-luigi campaign.
So, again… who cares? It’s Reddit.
I’m not trying to be argumentative at all, I’m genuinely asking why does anyone care that Reddit is turning full-fascist?
Was everyone not aware this was the direction they were going in?
Remember the last exodus? We talked about reddit a lot for a bit.
Now new people are coming and this is a good thing. Let them get it out of their system.
Fair enough. That makes sense.
We all just got banned and remembered we had lemmy accounts, need somewhere to commiserate.
For decades, the Woke Left has complained that we live in a bifurcated society of privileged middle class professionals and trod upon lower class manual laborers. But Donald Trump is resolving the contradiction. Now everyone gets to enjoy the hyper-surveillance, the stochastic violence, and the suffocating revanchist propaganda once reserved for poor people.