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Clicking on an image makes the app crash

When I click on an image the app just crashes. 100% of the time I have just installed the app and didn’t tweak any settings.

I am on an iPhone 8+ if this can be of any help.

I can provide further information if needed ! :)


default post filtering randomly reverts to all

On the latest build here, but it’s been happening for a while now. There is no rhyme or reason, but now and then the default option reverts to all instead of my selection of subscribed. Not a huge issue but just putting it out there. Thanks for the great app!


Long community and usernames shrink voting button sizes.

Just saw this while scrolling through. Seems to be dynamic as well. Longer names but not too long will start to add a circular frame around it.


lower navigation bar animation jitters when scrolling

Thanks for making this app.

The bar at the bottom seems to scroll up before being hidden when scrolling. I’ll attach a video in a moment to illustrate this.


Also I only noticed this after upgrading to ios18 last night.


viewing saved comments crashes the app

Hi there, thanks for the great software. Currently on 0.4.1 (4), but I’ve noticed the bug on a few previous versions.

When viewing saved comments under the user profile, everything appears fine. However, if you try to scroll it instantly crashes back to the springboard. I have a suspicion that it is something to do with the fact that I have saved many comments which include YouTube links. Has anyone else noticed this?

Edit: switched to another account to play around, and I could replicate the crash just by saving a comment which contained an embedded picture.


swiping back doesn’t honor text size

First, thank you for building this wonderful app.

This is my favorite feature of the app: the ability to return to the previous post by swiping from right to left.

With the latest TestFlight version, I noticed a new bug: the text size on the returning post is set to the system size, and once complete open, switches to the user’s choice of text size. The result is a little jarring.

To replicate, set the text time to something other than the system size. View a post, go back. And then swipe across to return to the post. You should be able to see the effect.


Crash when switching accounts

I have two accounts on two different instances. When I switch to the second one, sometimes arctic crashes. After opening it again, the switch works. Are there any crash reports I could submit?


votes made in post are not visible in feed

When you up/down vote a post while in the post view, coming back out to the feed view does not reflect the vote.


Upvote/Downvote buttons covered by text on some posts

The upvote/downvote buttons are covered by text on some posts, which makes them untappable.


Markdown Render Error

The markdown formatting in this post isn’t showing correctly:


Fails to post when logged out & login only visually defaults to

There is no error or anything when you try to make a post without logging in, it simply sit there w the spinning wheel until you hit cancel. It should prompt to login before user is allowed to compose a post.


When logging in, visually, it appears that the instance field defaults to, however the field is treated as blank

And and

Had to navigate away from login page after the above issue left the page in a faulted state and wouldn’t let me press “login” again after filling out the instance field.