
Cached Block/Unblock action is not updated when pressing 'Back' at the top left
Another obscure glitch with blocking and unblocking.
To make the glitch occur, go to a community, then go to one of its posts, and go to the same community again from the link on that post. If you block or unblock that community and then press the Back button at the top left twice, the original community screen you started on will retain the original blocked/unblocked action, rather than the updated one.
I put a GIF illustrating the menu saying "Block" rather than "Unblock", but testing indicated that the reverse case can also make the menu say "Unblock" rather than "Block".

Photo upload tool has unclear error message when trying to upload a non-GIF video
Before downloading a shortcut to convert my screen recordings to GIF format for my last bug report, I tried uploading the original videos directly. Rather than getting an error for what I assume is video uploads not being supported, or perhaps the 10.5MB video being too large, I received the following error message:

Not sure if it's a glitch, or just an unclear error message, but I'd thought I'd try to be as descriptive as possible.
Edit: The issue has since also occurred with a 7.2MB, 33 second GIF. If it helps narrow down the cause, the issue did not occur when I uploaded a 23 second re-recorded version of the video that ended up being 5.7MB after converted into GIF format.

Inserting a code block, formatted line, lemmy emoji, spoiler formatting, or last space character on a line causes the edit window to jump to the top
Don't usually write long posts or comments, but saw this occurring with my last bug report post, and subsequently tested every formatting option to make a comprehensive bug report. I recorded an example of each for demonstration purposes, included below.
Code block:

Formatted line:

Lemmy emoji:

Spoiler formatting:

Last space character on a line:

Strikethrough, subscript, and superscript formatting while writing or editing a comment or post is glitched
While marking text with the strikethrough or subscript options, several visual glitches seem to occur that are inconsistent with other formatting options and with how the final text is displayed.
Firstly, the strikethrough preview at times affects the tildes characters, unlike what occurs for previewing bold or italic formatting. This isn't always the case for some reason though, as occurs if I try marking the word 'formatting' in the first paragraph with strikethrough formatting. In that case (as illustrated below), the second set of tildes are not stricken through, along with the 'ing' of 'formatting'.

Another glitch that occurs is that the text appears small when marked with strikethrough formatting in the formatting, seemingly due to the use of a single tilde character for subscript formatting, as is visible in the image above.
Something else

Quoted text preview is not consistent with quoted text displayed
In reviewing my prior comments, I saw that a quote I had included in one of my comments looked odd, and realized that I had forgotten to put a blank line between the quote and my reply to it, as such:

Assuming the intended behavior is for the quote to continue until there's a blank line to end it (I'd think a line break character ending it would make more sense, myself, even though I think a comment looks better with a space between quoted text and non-quoted text, but I assume there's a predefined means by which Lemmy clients are meant to display them), the preview formatting should highlight the full text that ends up being formatted as a quote.
Testing the same behavior with the heading formatting results in the intended beha

Favorite/Unfavorite action doesn't automatically update in community feed view
In reference to the community Subscribe, Favorite, and Block actions accessible via the three dot icon to the right of the community name at the top of the screen, the Favorite/Unfavorite actions function normally on community feed pages, but don't switch to the opposite action when tapped as the other two actions do, or as Favorite itself does do when attempting the same from one of that community's post pages.
Note that the Favorite action can be manually updated on the community feed screen either by leaving the screen and returning to it, or adjusting the Block or Subscribe setting after adjusting the Favorite setting.

Loading icon stays in place when refreshing a blocked community's feed
When a community isn't blocked, the feed refresh swipe action works as normal, with the loading icon animation lasting for less than a second before disappearing.
If the same is done with the page of a community you just blocked, the loading icon will continue until switching tabs and returning, at which point the loading icon disappears.

Lemmy Explorer loading icon gets stuck
Loving the new features so far, especially the improvements to Lemmy Explorer that facilitate community searching! Going to wait a few days before posting more suggestions from the list I've been compiling, so in the meantime I'll stick to reporting bugs as I find them.
In this case, the new loading icon seems to get stuck, as such:

If I were to upload a video of the glitch, all frames would be like the image above, as the loading icon gets stuck. Thanks again for all your hard work!

Hidden Posts option on user profiles displays contents of All feed instead
In contrast to the Liked Posts, Disliked Posts, Liked Comments, and Disliked Comments options, which don't appear to work yet, the Hidden Posts option (on both one's own user profile and other user profile) simply displays the contents of the All feed below the user page header.
Edit: Although the update fixed the problem of the hidden posts user profile section appearing on every user profile, rather than just one's own, it still appears to just list the contents of the All feed, rather than specifically posts that the user has set as hidden.

Failed to load user details

Trying logging in with my account, it only shows my subscription and activity but can’t load my profile page It also appear when I tap on the profile page
Example log: [2025-03-01 10:16:47 +0000] [error] [arctic] [fetchUserDetails(person_id:username:)] Error loading user details: lemmyError(message: Optional("couldnt_find_person"), code: 400)

App crashes when scrubbing a Peertube live broadcast
Tried moving the video forward while watching this Peertube livestream in Arctic, but the app crashed instead. The app crashed again when trying to do so again, but didn't crash when attempting to do the same with a pre-recorded Peertube video.

Excluding NSFW instances from Lemmy Explorer excludes most instances, including
When viewing the instance list in Lemmy Explorer, enabling the Hide NSFW option hides 490 of the 567 listed instances. On the reduced list of 77 instances,,, and are listed as the largest SFW instances.
Unless I'm misunderstanding how the NSFW instance sorting function works, it seems to be a mistake for so many instances, including,, and most other major instances, to be categorized as NSFW.

App crashes if text box on search tab is cleared
If any text is entered in the search box on the search tab screen and subsequently cleared with the 'x' icon or 'cancel' text, the app crashes.

Lemmy Explorer instance block list not updating until app is restarted
After blocking several instances, my Instance Block List in Lemmy Explorer didn't update to reflect the newly-blocked instances until I restarted the app. It also seems to affect the UI that displays the "Block Instance" option, as it doesn't switch to "Unblock Instance" either.
On a related note, perhaps it would be helpful for consistency purposes to add the "Block Instance" option to the community page too.

Unblock swipe action does not revert to a Block swipe action in Lemmy Explorer
Not sure if it applies to anywhere else, but although the Block swipe action successfully turned into the Unblock swipe action after blocking a community in Lemmy Explorer, the Unblock swipe action did not switch to a Block swipe action in the same manner, despite being able to block the community by going to its page manually and blocking it in the standard manner.

Inbox tab notification icon disappears if app is open when phone runs out of charge
Had Arctic open in the background, with 4 unread messages and the corresponding icon on my Inbox tab, when my phone ran out of charge earlier today. When I recharged the phone and returned to Arctic (opened it with the 'currently open app list' UI), the icon was missing, but returned after I went to the Inbox tab and opened the unread messages menu.