Hey everyone, Thunder v0.6.0 is finally here! This release cycle took a quite a bit of time but introduces a lot of new features, changes, and fixes which should make for a even better Thunder expe...

Thunder Release : Media management, alternative link sources, and more!
Hey everyone, Thunder v0.6.0 is finally here! This release cycle took a quite a bit of time but introduces a lot of new features, changes, and fixes which should make for a even better Thunder expe...
Hey everyone, Thunder v0.6.0 is finally here! This release cycle took a quite a bit of time but introduces a lot of new features, changes, and fixes which should make for a even better Thunder experience. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to discuss it in the Thunder community or on GitHub.
For those using Google Play or the App Store, it may take a couple of days before you receive this update as it's currently going through app reviews.
If you're enjoying Thunder and would like to show some support, star this project on GitHub! This helps gain visibility for the project and allows more contributors to help with the continued development of Thunder. If you'd like to show some appreciation, here is a post with details on how to donate to the active contributors of Thunder.
I would like to again thank all the incredible contributors that have helped with Thunder so far, including all translators!
Now onto the up