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I guess there's always... diplomacy?
  • The holovids always skip over Voyager's many, many detours to extract resources and manufacture replacement torpedoes. Between this, negotiating with the Borg, and massively altering the timeline, Captain Janeway is as much a popular topic of conversation outside the federation as she is within.

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    The Whole Murder Thing, I'm Guessing
  • It was organized over twitter, "big players" were not involved. Hell, Trump himself was only interested in showing up because he likes being on stage in front of people. There was no plan, no goal. It was the political equivalent of an angry sports riot.

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    What technology will date us in the future?
  • Yeah, if anything the TOS ships are more realistic in regard to their interfaces. In an emergency, when you may not have lights or gravity or whatever, buttons and knobs come with certainty. Flat, featureless touchscreens? Not so much.

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    The 2010 "phone wars"
  • i hate that smooth-rectangle has become the standard

    stop it with the extra cameras and the beveled edges, i'd give up half my screen space for some real goddamn buttons

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  • i feel like the answer to what is and isn't canon can be summed up with;

    Why do the klingons look different?

    They always looked like that, you just didn't notice before.

    Canon has always been squishy. The Eugenics Wars takes place in the nineteen-nineties... oh but didn't Voyager's crew visit our nineties? Plus, DISCO had that Elon Musk name drop. the timeline floats up as the present day does. Canon is just a vague sense of the things everyone agrees on.


    I really dislike the fungus engine. You expect me to believe the Federation developed instant, consequence free warp but gave up on using it on literally any other ship? Silly. Very silly. Oh, but the precursor civilization doing a galaxy wide Genesis project is somehow an unimaginable technological feat.

    And yes, I know STE covers the klingon flu. I just think They always looked like that was more elegant.

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    Help! Help! I'm being assimilated!
  • If i were gonna write the Borg going forward, I'd have the queens be a failed experiment to elevate one drone to the role of tactician specifically to deal with the Federation. It didn't work, so they don't do it anymore.

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    Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Yeah, Trump himself has no policy commitments. He'll say whatever he thinks is popular biased on the last thing he's seen on television. In office, he delivers bog-standard republican policy because that's who his cabinet gets filled with.

    I don't see Biden changing his stance on arming Israel. Trump could, but the question is whether would it last long enough to actually affect policy.

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    Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Season 5, Episode 13 For The Uniform

    He does this to a Maquis settlement after they had similarly poisoned two Cardassian planets.

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    TF is wrong with people.
  • Pretty much. Secular education tends to begin with Columbus sailing across the Atlantic and seldom ventures north or south of our boarders -- let alone touch on the rest of the planet until World War 2, after which a lot of curriculums just end. Elective courses are better... which is why nearly every year at least one of the states try to ban them.

    Most of our protestant schooling likes to make special note of the fact that people fled here to escape religious persecution, that this or that sect wouldn't be possible without American Freedoms™. Hell, Mormon scripture straight up says the US is a promised holy land.

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    Nuclear push would drag out energy transition, PM warns
  • We’ve never built nuclear. We not only need a reactor, buy need to buy all the relevant skills and build all the supports to create an industry.

    Oh, that does change the calculation quite a bit. I wonder if this push has more to do with those submarines than any energy considerations.

    excited to see how the thorium rock-salt reactors progress

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    Nuclear push would drag out energy transition, PM warns
  • It's a long-term investment. Once it's built, nuclear outright breaks the pricing scheme on fossil fuel energy. Surely the prudent thing is to have both it and renewables? To have one to shore up the other?

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    To all you outside of the US...
  • You are looking for a Great Man of history to pin this on. You'd rather believe someone nefarious is in charge and pulling the strings from an ocean away, than to see this for what it is; an empire with no real conscious oversight. A pile of self-interested businessmen, politicians, and militarists doing whatever they can to line their pockets, profits above all else.

    The US has, per capita, the largest prison population and, outright, the biggest military on the planet. If there's a road to 'unfreedom', we traveled down it a long time ago.

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    Nuclear push would drag out energy transition, PM warns
  • This is somewhat confusing. He's against nuclear power, a thing that would offset a considerable amount of carbon emissions... because building a plant is a lengthy process? It's not as if you can't also install solar panels in the mean time

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    To all you outside of the US...
  • You'd rather believe Trump is result of foreign interference, that our own institutions would never result in this without being sullied from outside. It's fan fic, it's Cold War nonsense.

    Trump is the consequence of our political systems, of our spiteful culture, of our economics that promises success and leaves people sick, broken, and in debt. So what if the Russians had a few hundred Facebook posts? That "seed" would not have taken if the soil weren't already fertile. Frankly, I don't think it made a difference. We were barrelling toward Trump with or without the oh so spooky slavs typing on a keyboard.

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  • On the one hand, you can read it as a parody of late 20th century life - like, haha imagine a caveman clocking into work

    but on the other hand, Flinstones and its far future counterpart Jestsons kinda suggest an inability to imagine anything different. Automobile-ized suburban development frequently gets presented an the human 'default'. As though we just default to this, rather than it being one of many ways cities and society could be organized.

  • ker-showeeeererereer- ZIP!

    That's what this game sounds like
