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'Trans People's Issues Alienate the Working Class,' Says Democrat Who's Never Met Either
  • With friends like those, who needs enemas? (I know, Onion headline. Still, I'm sure there are plenty of people just like him all over the world. Try again ki- Moo hoo ha ha ha!)

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    Commentary, behind-the-scenes features, bloopers: What did we lose when we said goodbye to DVDs?
  • You're a drip. I buy DVDs used from pawn shops and garage sales. I'm leaving a mouse-sized carbon footprint; there's no "toxic trash" that didn't already exist.

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    Donald Trump: ‘I Hate My Opponent’
  • Do you even know who your opponent is? Do you know what day it is? Point to the cow in this picture. No, that's a horse.

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    Elon Musk may have to sell billions in Tesla stock to rescue X
  • Maybe if he was smart, he'd just give up on the social network and sell it off to someone else. But he's not smart, so he'll keep sinking money into it until cooler heads in the company prevail. The era of social media dominance, I'm sorry to say, is over.

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    Trump will speak from behind bulletproof glass at outdoor rallies
  • Be thorough! Surround him with bulletproof glass from all angles, and make sure there's no air holes where bullets could get through. He will be completely impervious to both bullets and oxygen!

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    Times and WaPo Jump On Board Trump Camp Swift Boating of Walz
  • Against Captain Bonespurs? Ha ha! HA HA HA! Get out of here with that shit. "Democracy dies in we're going to do some cheerleading for the dictator anyway."

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    In world first, Russian chess player poisons rival’s board with mercury
  • Between this, the antisemitism of Bobby Fischer, and the guy cheating with the power of teledildonics, I have to wonder what the hell is up with chess players.
