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Just one more lane
  • The approach worked as intended, more perfectly even.

    Look at all those useless expenses on the pic, some people profited on products that weren't necessary to begin with, and put a lot of moneys in so the system wouldn't accidentally change for the better.

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    Fish sticks
  • Instruction's unclear, wrote 'fish coc is fenta stick' on my shirt ... but was immediately called out on copyright infringement by some rapper.

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    The more you know
  • Rofl, I genuinely didn't even notice your typo, I was just entertaining myself ... or maybe I have unresolved pizza issues :|

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    The more you know
  • (I like that my first thought reading that was like a comic/meme of intentionally faceplanting (your face) into the middle of a (hot) pizza)

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    It happens 🤷
  • Oh yeah, deleting partition tables always felt a bit like (mini) scorched earth past-denying genocide. Gone but not forgotten. But also mostly forgotten. Nevertheless you legacy will live onwards through volume labels that I always use.

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    It happens 🤷
  • Oh yeah, I've had that happen to me (only the one time, like a decade ago), once I realized what gives I solved it easily with GParted 'repair' or something like that (iirc?).

    Edit: ohh, I think it was a (full distro) live-boot CD that I used.

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    Reject modernity
  • Asking the important questions.

    I would actually like to know - did our meme vocabulary shrink? This darn kids these days!! Fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

    The other way around seems to work, likeaboss is era typical gigachad.

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    Wētāpunga return to NZ mainland after almost two centuries
  • They are so cute, it's a real shame what happened to them (the usual cause).

    Hope they manage to recover to a stable population & environment.
