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Gaming 2024
  • I take it you don't have kids.

    Taking 10 or 15 minutes to "shit" is a much needed break. Especially when there's another parent home (or the kids are old enough) and you can shut the door.

    Then there's the old "boss makes a dollar I make a dime" adage...

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    Buyers Are Avoiding Teslas Because Elon Musk Has Become So Toxic
  • Nearly a third of the world's manufacturing is done in China. That's good stuff and crap and everything in between. Chinesium exists because of engineering for a price point, and people are cheap.

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    Amazon invests in nuclear power
  • Is the idea for the biggest consumers of electricity to supply their own power at point of use (or close to it)?

    I imagine Amazon's load is pretty consistent. I could see economical reasons for them to want to do that, considering how much power AWS consumes. They have the economies of scale.

    Which, I was going to say I dislike, because these big consumers of power should be heavily footing the cost to maintain and build electrical infrastructure as part of the grid...but we all know they get special purchase agreements.

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    Horrors We've Unleashed
  • Great. First science was making the frogs gay. Now it's turning the mosquitos trans.

    What's next? Lesbian amoebas? Pansexual algae? Non-binary seahorses?

    Has science gone too far?

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    Trump floats sending military after US citizens on election day
  • Trump will be able to do essentially whatever he wants. One of the bullet points of both Project 2025 and Agenda 47 is to greatly extend the power of the executive branch by making essentially all decision making roles in government agencies a political position. In doing so he'll fire anyone who doesn't step in line and replace them with a loyalist.

    Combine that with the rulings from SCOTUS and people should be fucking terrified of him, or any Republican, being in power. Because it's not just him. He's just a useful idiot.

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    Parking minimums are systematic oppression by car lobbyists against all others forms of transport. Yeah I said it.
  • The same people who have "emotional support animals" and dick-nosed through mask mandates (if they even wore one) will shop around for doctors who will give them a bogus handicap placard for a small cash fee. I guarantee it.

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    How ham radio endures - and remains a disaster lifeline - in the iPhone era
  • Not for nothing but I got my novice and tech license in grade school.

    I didn't know what the hell I was doing. Looking back it was basically brain dumping (and learning code well enough to pass the 5WPM test).

    Ended up getting 13WPM and general and advanced in 7th grade.

    I still have my license, just renewed it a couple months ago. But haven't keyed up in maybe 15 years. Ain't nobody got time for that. I just got a little handheld transceiver on temu and haven't used it at all.

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    We'll have a long memory as things get worse for working class Americans, minorities and women
  • Fuck right off with that "Dems are just as much at fault".

    It's the system that sucks, and it's the Republicans that exploited the system.

    It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't problem. Dems can't win by playing the game by the rules, but if they stoop to the Republicans level, then they are just as fascist.

    You gotta see the conundrum, right? Dems take the high road and they lose, dems take the low road and they're fascist, too.

    The only option is to pull out as many stops as possible, while working within the rules to either get moderate conservatives (the ones that hate Trump, at least) to switch to Harris. Which means that the big-tent-party gets bigger by expanding to the right.

    So they do stuff like observe that Trump's whole schtick is "I'm not the incumbent". That didn't work well for him in 2020. Getting Biden to step down and throw the entire GOP campaign off kilter was, IMO, brilliant. Yeah, it sucks that there was no real primary...but there's also the issue of optics when primarying an incumbent president.

    And I don't think the pageantry of a primary would've accomplished anything. It would've shattered the party even more with infighting while Trump and the GOP leaned back with their popcorn and pulling out sound bites to twist on Fox and OAN to rattle their own base even more. And in the end the Dems would've just chosen who they wanted to and half the parties voters will be just as, if not more, pissed, and end up boycotting the election as a result.

    And then they get to really punch Trump where it hurts, by saying things like how he's now the oldest person to ever run for president of the US. You just know that's gotta burn.

    Honestly, Harris/Walz is probably the best they could've offered up, not because they are great politicians (although they are), but because this is a battle of appearances and personality, and the two of them have it in spades.

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    A mildly interesting list of proposed amendments that didn't pass
  • Difference being that the military, and particularly infantry, is legit the only job where it's acceptable for you to return home in a body bag.

    In 1916, maybe it would've been a different story, but these days, I don't understand it. I honestly don't see how any millennial, gen X, or boomer veteran can be proud of their service or what they offered to the country. They should be pissed the fuck off. They didn't serve to defend our country. They served as a human shield to corporate profits.

    They put their lives on the line for a paltry salary, and more recently an education. Which itself is fucking bullshit. I mean, nothing against those who served for the GI bill. Good for you. But it's fucked up that it came to that, given how much a college education costs the rest of the western world.

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  • Confirmation bias. You don't see all the ones that are blocked. Deviations from that norm stand out.

    Also, you replied to the post, training the algorithm that you'll engage with Mu$k spam, and even said his name. You now have your filters duking it out with the algorithm.

  • The bumper...I don't know what it's called...that little clip with the snow that fades in and reveals the logo.

    It's terrible.

    For one, a lot of people actually don't know what TV static is. Analog broadcasts stopped almost 16 years ago, and before that, most younger people had cable.

    For another, static is really difficult to compress. It looks horrible and consumes way too much bandwidth for just a couple of seconds that won't even load right. If anything, they should cache a local copy of the bumper in-app in a format that doesn't look like ass when every pixel changes every frame.


    Apologies for the potato quality. My wife has an iPhone.

    He's on a different side of that fence from where his run is attached.


    While $1m USD in 1988 is worth only $2.6m in 2024, if they just put it in the S&P 500 back then and left it there, it'd be worth over $44.6m today.

    I don't know if the Dijon ketchup is really worth it.
