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Be careful.
  • Pro-tip: Whenever you receive a call/text/email from "your bank" saying something is wrong, don't interact!

    Open their app/website or call them yourself to verify.

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    Exposed: How Israeli Spies Control Your VPN
  • I've learned this information a while ago and I'm still upset.
    Seems like every time I stop watching a YouTuber for a while, I come back later and whoops! turns out they did something awful! 🙄

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    Fedora 42 On 64-bit ARM Might Make It Seamless To Run x86/x86_64 Programs
  • otherwise it goes in the landfill

    Ah, well in that case, fair enough.
    I've done my fair share of ridiculousness to keep free crappy hardware running.
    I will say, try running Alpine Linux on a container.

    I've managed to extract some usefulness out of a borderline e-waste Android tablet running some flavor of Jelly Bean, so outdated you couldn't connect to most websites due to bad TLS certs, by running a Alpine Container on it.
    Alpine was the only distro I found that could run up-to-date software on such a ancient version of the Linux kernel, everything else failed to work at all.

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    He couldn't stop himself even though he knew what was coming
  • This one is the highlight for me.
    Are "they" performing surgeries on prisoners and Trump sees them as aliens?
    Or on Illegal immigrants and he sees them as aliens?
    Or aliens like 👽🛸 aliens?

    Ah, so many possibilities.

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    Huawei unveils world’s first tri-fold phone, the Mate XT Ultimate Design
  • I didn't get it either til I came across a Galaxy Fold demo unit at the mall.
    It's light, the expanded screen gives you lots of extra screen real estate without feeling too big or unwieldy, and when folded up you get a normal aspect ratio, at a thickness that's comparable to other phones.

    I never really felt like a tablet would be useful for me, filling the "gap" between a laptop and a phone with essentially a 'bigger phone' I'd have to charge and carry always seemed silly: I'd rather just keep using my phone instead.
    But when you merge both devices into one, it works. It really is a 'bigger phone', with the benefit of being able to choose when you want to use the extra screen real estate without having to swap devices.

    As someone who often tries to juggle multiple tasks on a phone*, I want one.
    Shame they're so expensive where I live. Looking at the used market, even the folds multiple generations behind are still too expensive.

    *Side note: Stock Android's split screen implementation is shit.
    The floating windows Xiaomi and other OEMs have is light-years ahead, Google should be ashamed.

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    Minecraft *Movie Edition*
  • since apparently they were dead-set on a live-action format from the very beginning.

    The live-action fairy has these Hollywood execs in a trance.
    To this day I don't understand what made Disney swap all their lovable animated characters for photorealistic-lion.fbx and make a Lion King """live-action"""

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    Cannot be unseen
  • And correct me if I'm wrong, but the long-term effects haven't been studied yet, have they?

    I'm fully expecting some side effect to come whooping ass some time down the line
