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Pre-Rolls popular
  • You get so much better results when you buy flower and roll your own though. It seems like pre rolls generally use whatever scraps they had laying around. Also cones aren't that hard to roll, en mass even, all you have to do is invest in a cone filler. There's nothing wrong with smoking prerolls, but you will have better quality doing it yourself

    Edit: another pro tip that will save you some hassle if you roll your own is to buy a coffee grinder just for your weed, pick out the big stems and grind 2-5 seconds in small bursts.

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    Kids Are Working in America’s Meatpacking Plants
  • The owner was a family friend, and I was a teenager trying to save money for a car. I think I lasted most of the summer before I quit.

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    Kids Are Working in America’s Meatpacking Plants
  • I used to work in a meat processing plant doing cleanup when I was about 16. It is a very dangerous job. You have to take machinery apart to clean it and if you are careless you can easily lose fingers/hands/arms/other appendages. My least favorite part of the job was cleaning the bandsaws. You have to take the the blade which is about 10 feet long out of the machine (it's razor sharp so on a good day you don't cut yourself very badly) and clean out what I can only call "meat sawdust" out of every nook and cranny of the machine. Then you have to feed the blade back into the saw. That was probably the least dangerous machine to clean. The meat grinders were also a pain in the ass because you have to remove a giant spiral cylinder with razor sharp edges, again very easy to lose at least a finger if you're not careful

    I wouldn't ever want my child to be doing that job, or anyone else's

  • Just like that
