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What Browser do you use on Android, and why?
  • Vanadium. It is supposedly quite secure. Comes with GrapheneOS. So far I'm very happy with it.

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    GrapheneOS now officially supports Pixel 9, 9 Pro, and 9 Pro XL | GrapheneOS is a private, secure mobile operating system with Android app compatibility, developed as a non-profit open source project
  • I hear you. And it is ironic, I agree. The way I deal with it in my head is: I use nothing google in my life. (Except for YouTube via NewPipe). And I purchase a Pixel pro used from eBay when it is 1 year old, and keep it until I feel the need to upgrade. New pixel pro's here in the UK sell for £900-£1000, but you can pick up a used one on eBay only 1 year old for £300, and the money does not go directly to google. So my contribution to google is tiny compared to most people. If GrapheneOS ever do support another flagship phone with good cameras then I will gladly swap. But for now I don't see an option where I can have it all. There has to be a compromise somewhere. But I applaud your anti-googleism!

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    The Guardian view on meat: we need to eat less of it | Editorial
  • You know that for thousands of years us humans have eaten meat right? So as to survive. I'm all for looking into alternatives, but proceeding with caution. It's very arrogant for you to say that your way is right and the billions of humans that lived before you were all wrong. I'm very happy that you are not a law maker. Each human has the right to choose whether to eat meat. It's the law. By law each has the right to choose. Once you start taking away people's rights to choose, you start on a very slippery slope. Clearly you are not aware of this, or you are very young. One or the other.

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    August 30th 2024. America adopts the metric system. Never forget.
  • Here in the UK we would say "I will visit you on the 19th of September" for example. I have never heard anyone say the month first. It's just different custom. We also drive on the other side of the road..! At the beginning it would have been helpful if the world would have agreed on a standard either way. Then it would stop confusion. (And less car accidents from people on holiday/vacation on the wrong side of the road! 😅

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    The Guardian view on meat: we need to eat less of it | Editorial
  • Wow not many people here believe in freedom of choice I see.

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    Important Choices
  • There is a lot of truth in this picture. 2 sides, both shit for humanity. It's a big problem really.. Divide and conquer tactic.. proven tactic.

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    New Covid Shots Were Approved. But Who Will Get Them?
  • Not me. That's for sure. I don't fancy a heart attack right now..

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    The Guardian view on meat: we need to eat less of it | Editorial
  • What a load of crap. Let people choose for themselves how much meat they believe that they should eat. Someone somewhere is trying to make it harder and harder to eat meat. Red flag right there.

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    aristocratic death rule
  • It makes so much more sense when seeing the design drawn out like this, thanks!

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    ‘We should have better answers by now’: climate scientists baffled by unexpected pace of heating
  • I see a lot of doom and gloom in the comments here. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is not the main concern being that sea levels will rise and flood costal cities? Plus some parts of the world will be too hot to comfortably live? Human beings are remarkably creative when they need to be. Right now most are overweight watching TV and worried about stupid unimportant things. But if the need arose to build new towns/cities in higher and cooler locations, we have the man power. Literally BILLIONS of humans, some smart ones to plan it all, and the rest to build it. I don't see an "end of humanity" or "don't have kids" as being reasonable. Humanity will adapt. Please correct me if I'm missing something here.

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    Justice Department considering push for historic break up of Google after landmark antitrust ruling: report
  • "Kagi Search" looks cool. The examples of searches look far superior to even that of google.

    But it's $5 per month. (No ads) Or $8 for couples. Even so I think I will try it. The search results look really good.

    Has anyone here used Kagi Search?

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    Vegas residents beg court to stop massive Mormon temple construction after council give go ahead
  • Mormon... A dangerous religious cult that traps it's children.

    Stop the construction.

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  • Plastic for the win? 😁

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    Does everyone hate Google now? | Google's story over the last two decades has been a tale as old as time: enshittification for growth
  • Yeah I'm with you there, the pixel camera app is a must for me too. What I love about GrapheneOS is how easy it is to block permissions. So with google pixel camera app, no network and no location permissions means that it cannot report back to google unless I allow it to. It's a safe way to use the odd google app in a limited way when you need to. The other google app I use is the g-keyboard, because it is so much better in some ways. But again it is very restricted and I turned off the features I don't want, like voice typing.

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    Does everyone hate Google now? | Google's story over the last two decades has been a tale as old as time: enshittification for growth
  • I use Organic Maps. But it does not YET have traffic data. So if it's an area with traffic jams, I use Google maps. But most of the time organic maps is great

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    Does everyone hate Google now? | Google's story over the last two decades has been a tale as old as time: enshittification for growth
  • I came across "Organic Maps" and it's really impressive. I now use them 50/50. The only real difference for me is that Google maps shows the traffic jams. So if it's a long journey I use Google, but if I'm not in a rush and just need directions I use Organic.

  • Which decentralized social media do you use? And why?

    Interested particularly in comparing Minds, Deso, and Bastyon. - There is not much information on the web in this regard!
