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Steam Beta adds new shortcut key to save a clip of recent gameplay
  • I do post footage to YouTube, some publicly and some privately because my friends and I actually enjoy our time together and want to remember the best moments.

    The fact you think that's cringe just makes me feel sorry for you.

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    Anon has a special request
  • There's gotta be a service that does this, though.

    With some searching around, I found this place in Oklahoma:

    They mainly deal with hunting trophies but their price list covers almost every vertebrate animal you could think of:

    "Human" is conspicuously absent, of course, but then you go to the "Skeletal Articulation" page and the first photo is of a fucking Centaur lmfao:

    I feel like if you called up and asked, you at leastwouldn't get a hard "no". I'd bet good money that they've done work on human cadavers before.

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    Rinse and repeat:(..
  • Raise your hand if you think laying off employees en-masse right before an earnings call should be a crime punishable by death:

    ^(Only somewhat kidding.)

    Seriously though, this is is even extremely misleading to shareholders. It's blatant manipulation of the numbers, how is it not illegal?

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    Anon has a special request
  • Pretty sure this is legal, they just wouldn't release an unembalmed corpse for health reasons.

    Wouldn't OP just have to find a qualified mortician willing to do the work?

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    For the gods' sake, please, I'm a night rule
  • I mean, it's a donut shop. There's at least three others within a couple miles.

    I think they mainly stay open to serve cops, and I generally try to avoid them.

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    For the gods' sake, please, I'm a night rule
  • I feel like this person's mind would be blown by a 24 hour donut shop.

    There's one a few miles down the road from me, never been in but I'm tempted every time I drive past.

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    Poorly socialized rule
  • I'm not gonna be the "not all men" guy because this person does have a point,

    But I will say, if all you look for is negatives, that's all you're gonna find.

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    Birthday rule
  • Give the haters what-for by breaking the sound barrier on re-entry and turning them into a smoking crater without any propellants or high-explosives.

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    Birthday rule
  • To hell with the attack helicopter joke, the woke liberal agenda has people identifying as LRAAMs now.

  • The order of the person ahead of me was still on screen when I pulled up to order. I took the picture in a bit of a hurry cause I didn't know when the screen was gonna reset.


    (Archive link in case it's changed.)

    This article is a surprisingly entertaining read for a few reasons:

    • one or more people who wrote it clearly have very strong opinions about how nuclear weapons should be built
    • the article contains a surprising amount of detail, including stuff that seems like it'd be classified or at least censored
    • due to both of the above, there's a ton of [citation needed] that I doubt will ever be resolved

    Over the past couple weeks I've gotten emails from both Senators and a House Rep from the State of Minnesota. All three emails have been concerning the Israel/Palestine conflict, and are worded as replies to a some message I sent them.

    I've never set foot in the state, let alone lived there (I'm on the other side of the country). I've never sent messages to any of those members of Congress, and I've never signed any petition giving any group the right to contact Congress about this matter.

    I suspect my name and email address might have been used in some sort of astroturfing campaign targeting Congress. Or these might be spam emails impersonating the members of Congress for some reason. I noticed the House rep and one of the Senators is up for re-election this year.

    Has anyone else gotten emails like this?

    I've tried to send messages back to these people but the forms on their websites require submitting an address in their state/district, so I'm not sure what to do. The From: addresses seem like they might have been faked, or they're no-reply addresses, so I wasn't sure about just replying to the emails.

    I also thought about calling their offices but I wasn't sure if this was something important enough to bother their staff about, and they're two hours ahead of me so their offices are closed by the time I get off work anyway.


    This meme has become a running joke in my friend group:

    We were fucking around with the Meta AI in WhatsApp and I got it to say this
