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Dong Nguyen (Flappy Bird creator) No, I have no related with their game. I did not sell anything. I also don't support crypto.
  • Thanks. Knew about the original, hadn’t heard of the new scam. That sucks and feel bad for the guy can’t imagine people are being rational about it with how bad it was the first time.

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    An incredible shift in the weather has turned the Sahara green
  • You mean… the literal focus areas of the great green wall is turning green after almost 20 years of work?

    Like, yeah storms are pushing in where maybe they shouldn’t but also this is shit multiple countries full of people have been working at since 2007.

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    Red-painted fascists never change
  • Saying something and actually doing something are two different things. No goalpost moved. People want actions to support the ceasefire, not words. Not pretend negotiations that we let Israel poison pill and sink continuously. We have leverage, we just refuse to use it. That is people’s problem with what is going on. Biden words have been completely hollow. If he followed through people would be stoked. It even looked like maybe he was serious almost but that was proved to be wrong, which is why people are rightfully upset.

    There’s still hope maybe it happens eventually, but yeah idk man it’s wild you’re happy to watch millions get fucking genocided, entire cities fucking buried, because other guy would let it happen slightly faster.

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    Red-painted fascists never change
  • I mean, going above congress to still send arms to Israel while allowing them to continually sink negotiations for a ceasefire is not doing much to actually support it other than in name. They want actual action, not political theatre dems are known for. Like at the DNC Kamala starting by saying she will always support Israel. Then saying “oh and uh Palestine shouldn’t be completely murdered” to give the bare minimum. But hey, at least she did the bare minimum? Enough to allow some to still hold their nose and vote, though some will still hold out for better than that.

    Even still, Green and PSL are what, 0.3% of the vote? Not even a third of a percent. You act like they are more to blame than the 47% republucan vote? So busy trying to turn progressives into an enemy, cuz you know, that’s what it’s gotta be right? Politics always has to be your team wins and everyone else is evil, cuz how else could you win as the lesser evil. lol. Fucking god. Let people push for the DNC to be more progressive, a third of a percent is a lot better than the 1.18% who vote libertarian. But having the DNC make people WANT to vote for them and get some of those ~40% who don’t vote would be good. A lot more good than 0.3% who will vote for someone more progressive.

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    Red-painted fascists never change
  • So… people asking the person who is supposed to represent them to meet them in the middle are facists? The ones asking the DNC to just, actually represent those it wants votes from?

    Not the ones… actively supporting and furthering a genocide?

    Ok. Yeah. Sure man. Because it’s clearly the thousands of people who should change and support the killing of their own, not the two who are supposed to represent them.

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    Pet shooting by police

    Just a quick search, knew it was California, couldn’t remember if Texas did or did not. The answer is they are supposed to but suck at it. So… 2/50 require reporting when a cop kills someone.

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    Pet shooting by police
  • To be fair, the literal same is true of cops killing people. Not a stat legally required to be recorded in many states. Which is fucking insane.

    Edit: posted below, only California and Texas have to report fatal use of force.

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    Bungie will compensate an artist after its Destiny 2 Nerf blaster ripped off their work
  • So, to be fair, you're paid for your service of creating the art, not for the copyrighted material. I would think that is different than to creating a piece based on copyrighted material and then selling the finished art. Anyways, Bungie does not get ownership of their art, just the ability to sue for profits they make from selling it and/or damages, at best, If they can prove it violated copyright and it is not transformative/under fair use.

    Also... while I'm here... god why white and orange it looks so bad, doesn't match what is in game, and just... no.

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    Mushroom learns to crawl after being given robot body
  • Right? Why lie. Using mushrooms as a living sensor is cool as hell. Mushrooms can span miles through mycelium with multiple fruiting bodies. If you could take input from one body and get information from all the fruiting bodies that could be a cool way to get aggregate data across an area with little effort. Especially since mushrooms can grow in irradiated or otherwise dangerous locations.

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    OpenAI Pleads That It Can’t Make Money Without Using Copyrighted Materials for Free
  • So the issue being, in general to be influenced by someone else's work you would have typically supported that work... like... literally at all. Purchasing, or even simply discussing and sharing with others who may purchase said material are both worth a lot more than not at all, and directly competing without giving source material, influences, or etc.

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    Starlink tells Brazil regulator it will not comply with X suspension
  • Believe you mean far far lower than geosynchronous orbit. Which is not the ozone layer. Ozone is not particularly far. like... less than 20 miles. Geosync is like... 20k miles. While Low Earth Orbit is much closer to the ozone than to geosync, its still far past the ozone, around 300+ miles.
