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Those with a side/second job in this economy, what is it that you do and how did you get into it?
  • Well.. consider this. As long as people keep buying drugs, dealers will keep selling them. As long as people keep tipping, pay based on tipping will keep existing.

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    Why does everyone hate Microsoft for adding LLMs into Windows and spying on users, but not Apple?
  • ..because that would just affect apple users, and not me. I don't chose to use windows, I am forced, so I hate when they take away my choice of keeping it out of my stuff

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    [MacRumors] iPhone 16 Pro Could Come in New 'Space Black' and 'Rose' Colors
  • Imagine if they stopped putting new iPhones out, and developers just kept building stuff to the existing ones. I'm pretty sure they could push some nice features and even better performance into it if they didn't have to update for new versions all the time. Just look at some of the new C64 games coming out, pushing the old hardware to do stuff no one knew they could.

  • I've seen a number of posts mention it, but none of them links to an explanation.


    From the screenshots I've seen Obsidian seems to take up a lot of screen space. Is there any themes or settings to make it take up less space when using it?

    As an example I'm very fond of the Zeal Offline Documentation Browser (screenshot on the page) and I like how I can have it open besides my work.
