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Amazon Contractors can't even sing in their cars now. Unions protect against this micromanagement.
  • After years of this sentiment being passed around online it's clear that shit isn't going to happen until we have a military draft/Vietnam War level incident. The pot is boiling too slowly for most of us to jump out. And even if we do try to organize a strike or civil disobedience, the government has gotten good at assasinating leaders that threaten the system.

  • Civic Engagement

    Maybe we should copy the French. They seem to have the right idea.

    Always read the fine print
  • Clever meme lol

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    Wii U emulator Cemu 2.1 out now with AppImage and Flatpak support for Linux
  • I have set up emudeck. Works for nes, snes, gba, ps1, Wii, and ps2 without issue. It's only when I tried Wii U and ps3 that I ran into into problems. I do know it's possible, but I got tired of tweaking

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    Wii U emulator Cemu 2.1 out now with AppImage and Flatpak support for Linux
  • I've been trying to get Wii U to work on Steamdeck. I'm only intermediately tech savvy, so this gives me motivation to give it another go.

  • Jump
    Yup… my aunt told me she sent me an important message via FB. I was inspired.
  • Agreed, Facebook is terrible. But I'd say that Lemmy and Reddit are on a par (as regards users and mods). Perhaps Lemmy's major upside is the decentralized structure, but then you lose out on the niche content that Reddit offers.

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  • 68
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    Poor timing [beetlemoses]
  • Priorities lmao

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    Political narratives that aged like bread
  • It needs to be said. If we can't acknowledge how contradicting narratives were fed to us within the same month, then it shows an alarming lack of cognitive dissonance on our part.

    There are people on Lemmy who argued that Biden is not our best bet against Trump; they were told that Biden was the best that the party can do and that there was not enough time to replace Biden. Now, we're all supposed to move on like that didn't just happen.

    That said, I am pleasantly surprised to see the community admitting the mistake. I assumed this post would be downvoted heavily but the post felt necessary for the reasons above.

  • We deserve better.

    Another reason to like Tim Walz. He has openly supported RCV:

    Political narratives that aged like bread
  • In contrast, people that are right on big, important issues I try to pay more attention to

    Jon Stewart comes to mind

  • Political narratives that aged like bread

    A conservative billionaire had some things to say
  • This is literally not a meme

  • Jump
    Which will you choose?
  • I don't understand. If a mod from bans me from a meme community, I can still comment on from another instance? Or are you saying just go to another community on another instance that has the same kind of content? Because if it's the latter then Lemmy's userbase number problem comes into play. Even popular subjects only have like one or two big communities.

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    Which will you choose?
  • Kinda feels like the site isn't developing much at all tbh. I know mods have been asking for more tools for a while now

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    Which will you choose?
  • better mods?

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    If buying it isn't owning it...
  • Does anyone have this meme template?

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    Safe Space
  • This is a completely disingenuous response that I keep hearing. Yes, it being an election year intensifies the problem. But Lemmy's intolerance to criticism of anything left-wing pre-dates 2024. Go back a year ago and look at the posts on . Same shit different day.

    The fact that everyone is paying attention to politics right now actually makes it a great time to call the democrats on their shit in the hopes that they will at least promise to make more foundational changes. But that's not going to happen: we continue to settle for the status quo.

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    What's a good habit you developed you'd like to share?
  • I've gotten back into recreational reading. Started by reading very easy material at a designated time (young adult literature and manga before dinner). Also got into the book review side of YouTube for inspiration of what to read next. The former practice built up the habit and the latter gave motivation to read some of the great works out there. Just finished War and Peace and I'm now going tearing through my science fiction backlog.

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    The thing
  • 91
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    Safe Space
  • Well said. It's a problem that we should all be able to at least recognize, but I think people are too focused on their team winning. Trump madness intensified the problem, but this has been developing for quite some time now.

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    Safe Space
  • This is a great comment and I agree with everything you said. At the risk of sounding contradictory, let me state that I'm not arguing against voting for democrats. Sure, my hopes for the democratic party continues to dwindle as I get older, but the cost of an afternoon to cast a ballot isn't much to ask for. And (I feel like I have to say this on Lemmy) the Republican party is a non-starter. So we both agree on those points.

    My issue is with the obvious bias in political posts or political memes (see: literally all of Lemmy has decided on a simple formula: pro-democrat post=upvote, anti-republican post=upvote, everything else=downvote. Doesn't matter if the article linked is any good or if the meme is funny. This community is completely unable to acknowledge the flaws of the democratic party because that hurts "our team" and somehow makes you a republican.

  • So we've all collectively agreed that one and only one narrative is allowed here.


    Safe Space


    This is not stonks


    Ukraine Ghosted

    Disclaimer: this is just a shitpost, pls don't go nuclear on me Lemmy

    edit: Lemmy has no chill lol. What else did I expect?


    A Disaster of Titanic Proportions

    note the oldest at the wheel


    War Never Changes


    Though I'm not sure this holds true for dyslexics.

    edit: Apparently it's more complicated than the example claims.
