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NY times has confirmed what Putin has stated multiple times
  • it's not that NY is trustworthy. But it's other thing that they've revealed by themselves a thing that confirms the words of the opponent - Russia.

  • The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin

    For more than a decade, the United States has nurtured a secret intelligence partnership with Ukraine that is now critical for both countries in countering Russia.

    in regards to the cause of SMO


    How to swap a token for SOL or vise versa** from within** a Solana smart contract? That is, on-chain. How to interract with a router of either Raydium or SolDex? I haven't found any example of this.

    Texas Governor Greg Abbott declares that Texas law supercedes Federal authority and hints at secession
  • Do people actually think like this?

    Of course. Plenty of americans, including the government, do when it comes to protests in other countries that aren't allies with US

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    Texas Governor Greg Abbott declares that Texas law supercedes Federal authority and hints at secession
  • If US sends weapons to Taiwan pretending that it's for democrasy and freedoms of the island, China now must being to send weapons to the people of Texas for the same reason. People of Texas excerise nothing other than their constituional freedom of speach and self-determination.

    Look at how they're sick of Biden's bloody regime, his nature of a dictator, that they want to break down from the US. Let's help the people of Texas, let's protect democrasy in Texas!

  • In Python one would write:

    ``` file_name = 'fdsafdsafds.wav' audio, sample_rate = librosa.load(file_name, res_type='kaiser_fast') mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=audio, sr=sample_rate, n_mfcc=40)


    Is there such a library or the one with this functionality in other, compiled languages? in C++, Go, Rust, .NET.... I haven't found any

    Russia bans anti-war candidate from challenging Putin
  • What a terrible and dangerous man the Putin is. He really wants Russia to win the war. The Putin wants Russia to become stronger and better for the russians. Man, can you imagine this? What a strange president.

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    Russia Plans to Mobilize Ukrainian Children in Occupied Territories
  • Projection.

    Who's been mobilizing women, elders and children? Who's now calling up for the ukranians who are abroad to return to Ukraine in order to go to die on the front?

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    Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content
  • British don't say "but hey". Australians don't. New Zelanders don't. South African don't. They could but they don't. Therefore, "but hey" is fucking, broken american english which they instead call colloquial.

    But hey! It's ok to speak fuckingly broken english.

  • I want to create a simple web service that'll manage WireGuard VPN servers of mine in defferent locations. It'll work like this: whenever I try to access a site in from certain, pre-defined list, a web service (a) or a local customly-modified VPN client (b) will switch me to a VPN server in a certain location. When I go back to other, normal website, it'll switch me back to the last VPN server.

    How would I go about this? Will it be implemented on the side of the server (a) - web service? Or on the client one (b) -- by a custom VPN client which I'd have to modify to incorporate this functionality?


    Can eBPF be used to modify the list of WiFi networks visible to the user via NetworkManager? Hide some of them, add or modify info of the others....

    Or even better, modify it on yet the lower level such that any application that polls the list via system API would receive a modified list.

    The is about eBPF only

    2 Putin trolls COP28 with oil talks next door

    His presence presented a symbolic split screen: Global climate talks in one frame, Putin’s oil negotiations in the other.

    But this won't compare to Europe which trolls itself by buying russian gas and oil still, and burning more of coal than ever.

    House Speaker Mike Johnson says God will punish “depraved” U.S. because more teens identify as LGBTQ+
  • I want everyone to become LGBT in US and Europe. Everyyyyyyyyoooooonnnnnee!

    This will make Iran, China, Russia and other countries better off - economically, militarily and population-wise.

  • NATO should be ready for ‘bad news’ from Ukraine, Stoltenberg warns

    ‘We have to support Ukraine in both good and bad times,’ NATO chief says in ARD interview.

    What bad news? Why? Hasn't UA been winning all along, for 1.5 years?

    15 China-Saudi Sign $7bn Currency Swap Deal in Fresh Hit to Dollar

    China, Saudi Arabia agreed to a currency swap agreement worth $7 billion, giving a fresh push to Beijing’s efforts to challenge the dollar

    7 Essay | It’s Time to End Magical Thinking About Russia’s Defeat

    Putin has withstood the West’s best efforts to reverse his invasion of Ukraine, and his hold on power is firm. The U.S. and its allies need a new strategy: containment.
