Entrevista a El Coleta
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La mayoría de la entrevista trató sobre como Padri entrevista a sus invitados y sobre que a El Coleta lo que menos le gusta del mundo es la hipocresia.
Osmand is awesome, but Organic Maps is more GMaps like.
Syncthing and/or ftp.
The issue is not that we anons are fat. The issue is our personality. That is why we do not have qt3.14gf.
In the AP I use the trick of pulling the cart 1mm. Works better than blowing.
Nirvana's Nevermind but with the SM64 soundfont
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Don King Kong.
Mini concierto de El Sicario
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The same happens in Spain if you are leftist since the civil war, even before maybe.
I just did it.
TL;DR Mc Lee siendo él mismo, Jincho bastante comedido, Arkano riéndose de de Mc Lee y yendo de chungo.
Charla entre Mc Lee, Jincho y Arkano
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Maybe they are playing it in emulators. I tried it in a Switch emulator and the input lag made it is almost unplayable.
Who is this 4chan?
Entrevista a Jefe de la M en Phatdiggaz
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But no Zelda with Epona.
Let my arsperger to go out.
Glad to see teens on Lemmy. I hope that you can fix it with your friend.
Yep, It seems that I will need to do this. Thanks.
I'm glad I lelft .world a frew days ago.
Thanks for your reply.
Selfhosted Bitcoin address monitoring
I want to monitor changes of some bitcoin addresses and get email notification when a change happens. Do you know if exists any self hosted software with this functionality?
Edit: why the downvotes?
For me the best is the OG Mario Kart for SNES. For 4 players I agree with you. For online I enjoyed Mario Kart DS.
Donate to a NGO and give proof to third party that the donation was made?
I'm on a social network where people with IT experience sometimes help other people. Some of them don't want their work to be free (to avoid abuse of free work) but they also don't want to charge money. So we thought that in exchange we could ask for small donations for some NGO.
Do you know of any service or NGO that accepts small donations via Paypal and that also offers the possibility of indicating an arbitrary email address as proof that the donation was made? For example:
Alice helps Bob to fix his computer. After that, Bob should make small donation to some NGO and put alice@email.com so Alice can have a donation proof in her email account.
Sorry if my English is not good enough.
!hiphopespanol@lemmy.zip - All about hip-hop culture from Spain
New place to post anything about hip-hop culture from Spain. Sapanish is the preferred language, but english is welcome too.
Entrevista a Zenit en Dogma 440
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Nueva comunidad sobre cultura hip-hop española: !hiphopespanol@lemmy.zip
Comunidad para todo lo relacionado con la cultura hip-hop llevada a cabo en España.
Son bienvenidos posts sobre:
!hiphopespanol@lemmy.zip - All about hip-hop culture from Spain
New place to post anything about hip-hop culture from Spain. Sapanish is the preferred language, but english is welcome too.
¿Tiene alguien la maqueta de La Mala y el Cuervo?
La Mala y el Cuervo fue un grupo formado por La Mala Rodríguez (antes Mala María) y El Cuervo (componente del colectivo QMJ).
Lo que sé de esta maqueta es que se lanzó en 1997 y que contenía 5 temas. ¿Alguien sabe algo más sobre ella? Me consta que hay varias personas que la tienen, pero por desgracia no están interesados en compartirla.
El Sicario divagando sobre la biblia, salud mental y amenazas varias
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VIDEO: Why is Nintendo 64 emulation still a broken mess in 2025?
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The Nintendo 64 has always been a difficult machine to emulate correctly. But in 2025 - we should be well and truly past all of it right? Not exactly. Issues with Plugins, performance, graphical glitches, stutters. Unless you have a very powerful machine, these are common things many of us will run into when emulating the Nintendo 64. But why? And Is there any hope for fast, accurate N64 emulation in 2025 and beyond?
TIL GameCube's d-pad was added at the last moment
Could this explain the horrible d-pad in the NGC?
Nuevo video de El Jincho: Conspiraciones
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No hace mucho, El Jincho nos sorprendió con sus opinones políticas, ahora continúa por la senda del sinsentido, desvinculándose de la ciencia: apoyando el terraplanismo, negando la visita a la Luna, etc.