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outer wilds rule
  • i've just beat the game, turns out the thing i couldn't be bothered about was very important. thank you for getting to bother about it :D

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    outer wilds rule
  • this comment has been living rent free in my head since I've read it. Why do you like spoiling things for yourself?

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    outer wilds rule
  • i already knew about the other way, but it feels like I looked all over


    the sunless city

    and i still couldn't find it. hence why i feel like an idiot playing this game bcs i follow clues it gives me and I feel like what i'm looking for is probably right up in my face but I just don't see it. ig i'll go look there again.

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    outer wilds rule
  • first chance to avoid spoilers
    second chance
    third chance
    fourth chance
    fifth and last chance, i spoil *a lot* of stuff here.
    just in case :p

    but seriously though, i've played about 20 hours, I know (and visited quite a bit) about the quantum moon, i've learned about quantum imaging, i know about the eye of the universe and how the nomai have been trying to reach it (that and quite a bit about their culture), I know that if I want to reach this mystical "seventh location" that I need to have the nomai shrine be on the north pole of the quantum moon but i can't even do that bcs when i put but my scout on the moon and leave it just gives static so i can't keep in the same place. I'm trying to learn about quantum entanglement but no matter what I do the shrine doesn't tell me that i've recalled it's rule yet. i know about the ash twin project, my best guess is that it's a dome inside the twin made for evacuation in the case that the sun goes supernova (but they're all dead now anyway so ig that was for nothing), the vessel is somewhere in dark bramble but tbh I can't be bothered to look for it, it's long gone. oh and not to mention the sunless city on ember twin, what is left to look at??? there isn't anything quantum there (that I know of) so I can't just stand on it and turn my flashlight and off and zoop over somewhere else. idk what i'm yapping abt this game is just driving me crazy. there's prob a lot more i have recorded in my rumors but i don't wanna go through everything.

  • very light outer wilds spoiler, if you have an hour of playtime you're fine

    ___ !

    also this game makes feel like an absolute idiot bcs i can't figure out anything to save my life

    Pruleitanical beliefs
  • I never interpreted it that way (the book does change), but if you see it like that then know I don't agree with that philosophy. there are external factors that can contribute to any addiction and shaming someone for being addicted to anything is just straight up asshole behavior.

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    Pruleitanical beliefs
  • I'll just drop this here.

    Watching porn isn't something to be ashamed of. Does it cause damage to the brain? yeah. Is it permanent? No. I won't judge anyone who uses porn but I sure as hell won't pretend that it's healthy.

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    i might want to reduce the difficulty rule
  • ...yeah i save scum all the time in new vegas what's the problem doing it here lol

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    Toki rule
  • toki a! sina ken toki anu seme e toki pona?

  • well they were shadows not guards but still


    me and a few other people have been working on translating omori into toki pona, i've recorded about an hour or so of gameplay.

    meow :3
  • nja, njan a! muu! :3333 (mi toki kepeken toki pona)

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    peak comedy rule (outer wilds spoilers)
  • Yeah that's fair enough :p

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    peak comedy rule (outer wilds spoilers)
  • do you mean this metaphorically or literally? don't respond if you don't want to it's cool if you only wanted to give a vague hint.

  • outer wilds spoilers


    no, seriously, i haven't even beat it and this is one of the most impressive games i've ever played. this is a game best experienced blind.


    seriously i'm talking about games like disco elysium or portal 1 and 2 that you leave wishing you could play them for the first time again


    last chance.



    also tf does this mean there's more to explore here i've basically looked at every inch of this damn island (rhetorical question, if you answer it without putting a spoiler in your comment you better start working on your last will and testament immediately afterwards.)


  • bisexual lighting

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    overhyped crowd rule
  • me when shikonoko nokonoko koshitantan (nichijou and this have given me brainrot)

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    i used the omori font rule
  • oh, haven't thought about that :/. all i'm doing is reading fanfiction so i don't think i'm getting in any legal trouble. i seriously need to be more skeptical...

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    Favorite quotes/character moments from the game? This one from Joyce is a top contender for me
  • "but when you think about it, is it necessarily a bad thing that everything's going to shit?" not quoted exactly but that quote stuck to me like a fly to honey

  • https:// /ZGKIjmLYvB6VkHZX/lemmy/

    cross-posted from:

    > it took me a while to find this, i figured i'd post it on 196 so that maybe it'd pop up in search results for people who want to play this in german. I don't know who to all worked on this, but it seems like this person did most of the work on it.

    https:// /ZGKIjmLYvB6VkHZX/lemmy/

    it took me a while to find this, i figured i'd post it on 196 so that maybe it'd pop up in search results for people who want to play this in german. I don't know who to all worked on this, but it seems like this person did most of the work on it.

    would I enjoy tunic?
  • Question about the language, is a full on conlang or is it just a cipher for English? I haven't been able to find any information on it.

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    would I enjoy tunic?
  • naw, that's good game design having what you may need to know already baked into it.

  • i usually enjoy having to figure things out in games. i really liked portal and portal 2, i still haven't finished half-life but i do enjoy the the run, think, shoot, live philosophy of the game, but I always look things up whenever I play an open world game because I don't want to have to bother with having to figure out how to progress, or even if i do bother trying to figure out on my own, the clues i find will be cryptic and I'll just look up a walkthrough or something of the like. this is most prevalent in elden ring, and I especially don't like how there isn't a quest tracker. I believe that requiring a player to take notes to remember what they need to do on a quest is bad game design, even just letting the player look through past dialog would be extremely helpful. i get that there's a certain appeal to that, but I don't get it at all.

    anyways, the point is to say that I enjoy puzzles and figuring things out, but I don't like it when things are so cryptic to the point where I have to look up how to do something because never in a million years would I be able to figure it out, and if i do somehow, I'll have absolutely no idea why it works and wonder how on earth I was supposed to figure it out in the first place. would someone with a mindset like mine enjoy tunic? I haven't looked a single thing up about it since all i've heard about it was to not look things up about it.

    nv robo rule
  • google didn't help me. i hate to be rude, but will you please honestly answer my question?

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    nv robo rule
  • whose the last one?

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    highly factual google rulesults
  • didn't expect a platform other than Tumblr to have such horrible media literacy :p

  • spoilers for baldurs gate 3

    ___ so i'm playing baldur's gate 3 right, i'm exploring this cave, and I think "oh, there's a route to that temple of shar over there, i'm gonna jump down and climb a pillar that got knocked down to see what's going on at that temple." only to be greeted to this. !

    alright, this is fine, there's probably some really cool reveal that they have whenever you get there or something leading up to it. I figure how to work the forge, and I start this boss fight, after 3 party wipes, and I see that none of my attacks are dealing damage to the boss, so I have this idea to use the environment to my advantage and use the lava around the arena to damage it instead. this is what happens when I tried it. !

    I think outside of the box and i get punished for it? isn't this supposed to be dungeons and dragons, where you can basically do whatever you want to in order to solve a problem and have it work? i mean, my expectations were lowered significantly when i found a ordinary wooden door i couldn't break down (former nethack addict), but come on, this should've came in playtesting.


    So I need to open the maintenance door below the building right? however, the white check for it is locked, and I can't find any ways of gaining enough xp to level up physical instrument. i've done all the side quests that i could figure out how to do, i've interacted with everything in my inventory, found observation orbs(? if that's what you call them.), talked to a bunch of people, but I feel like i've hit a dead end here. i'm on thursday right now, if that helps at all.

    2 How to stop Final Fantasy XIV (14) from randomly disconnecting by forwarding ports.

    Dalek Zone hosts PeerTube, an Open-Source video-streaming platform. Dalek Zone is a privacy-centric service: no advertising, no tracking, no tracing, and no account needed (except for posting content).

    0 How to stop Final Fantasy XIV (14) from randomly disconnecting by forwarding ports.

    Dalek Zone hosts PeerTube, an Open-Source video-streaming platform. Dalek Zone is a privacy-centric service: no advertising, no tracking, no tracing, and no account needed (except for posting content).


    direct link:

    it is beyond my understanding why this video isn't playing because it has sound.


    so I go to play some inscryption and instead of being greeted to the normal screen when I start up the game I see this??? I got to the part where

    spoilers be here

    ___ I beat leshy and the I found out about the dude finding the inscryption floppy disk, but other than that I have no clue what this is. Do I just hit the arrow at the top right? Is my save corrupted or something?
