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Zelenskyy was urged not to invade Kursk. He did it anyway.
  • I think we're gonna have to agree to disagree as I see a fundamental difference between a multi national joint military operation targeting international terrorists and a unilateral military operation aimed at reconstituting the USSR.

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    Zelenskyy was urged not to invade Kursk. He did it anyway.
  • What on earth are you talking about occupying Syria?

    Edit: they're misconstruing the 32-country military coalition that's been trying to degrade Da'esh since 2014 as the US military by itself occupying sovereign territory.

    Some may remember the breathless daily & weekly map updates on the news showing areas controlled by Da'esh changing. Might remember the coalition partnering with various groups of differing militancy & reliability. I think including us (the coalition) fucking over Iraqi Kurds...? I believe because Syria hated them? Or loved them?

    So, y'know, absolutely nothing like Russia's completely unprovoked, unilateral decision to invade Ukraine because Putin was afraid of Ukraine getting too chummy with NATO countries, possibility even considering joining NATO.

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    Zelenskyy was urged not to invade Kursk. He did it anyway.
  • If the point of supporting Ukraine is to support the international order of respecting borders, then an absolutist interpretation would mean you stop at your border when repelling invaders.

    On the other hand, that would certainly result in invaders loading up on personnel and materiel on their side of the border until they reached some critical mass for a re invasion.

    A lot of people might not remember the first Gulf War where the international community defending Kuwait stopped at the Iraq border. I think it could be argued that was a mistake on multiple levels, even ignoring everything we know that came after.

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    How serious are you guys when you talk about punching nazis?
  • Violence must be organized and accountable to be just. Non-violence is always preferred, and is always the initial approach.

    But if there is a credible threat, defensive violence is OK as long as whoever is being violent accepts whatever accountability may come.

    I'm conflicted about it, but the fact is one reason the US has been so successful in leading the world in relative peace (as compared to WWII and before, not compared to the ideal) is because we have so much capacity for violence in our back pocket.

    "Talk softly and carry a big stick."

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    Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds
  • Well "conservative" (i.e. "Republican") has shifted to such a weird place that people who aren't weird probably feel compelled to call themselves "liberal" (probably meaning they'll vote for Democrats).

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    Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds
  • I'm a liberal dude who earned enough that my wife could stay at home and raise our kids until corporate greed gave me a one two punch of rapacious price increases (because they could get away with it) and stagnant wages (because they expect me to put up with it). She was doing a lot of work on the household all the time.

    Luckily she went back to work after our kids became much more self sufficient and could participate in taking care of the house.

    Never thought of myself as king of the house.

    (She the Queen, though)

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    Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • Those poor people spending time only on HB for four years, never going anywhere else, never finding 4/8chan, never even finding reddit....

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    Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • Is your question why a propaganda operation focused on disrupting or presidential elections would "go live" 18-ish months before the presidential election?

    And are you asking if I have specific evidence that they're trolls? Or that the governments I've listed have troll farms? Or that specifically HB is specifically rife with trolls from this governments' farms? Because I definitely don't have specific evidence. Just the historical evidence of (attempted) general interference from those countries in our previous elections.

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    Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • I think HB and some of the other groups are mostly trolls or Russian, Chinese, Iranian, North Korean, or aligned operatives trying to gas up trolls or wannabe trolls.

    There are definitely some well meaning Americans and others who get suckered into the bullshit tornado that is those sites. They are definitely worth saving if we can. But it's hard. They ban and block anyone with a dissenting voice no matter how calmly presented.

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    Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • If someone calls me insane, the response that proves them wrong is a reasonable, chill response at most. The actual sane thing to do is ignore them or make a joke about the claim.

    Just like if someone calls me weird, the response that proves I'm not weird is to say, "hahaha, sure, whatever" or "so what?" The response that would prove their point is along the lines of, "I'm not weird, you're weird" or "they're not calling me weird, they're calling my associate weird."

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    Dick Cheney is a war criminal.
  • I think Cheney and most pre-Gingrich Republicans have a commitment to the preservation of the Constitution and the Republic. Once Gingrich the philanderer came in and switched the Republican Party into all partisanship mode, things changed and people who don't put the Constitution first started seeping into the party.

    Cheney was an establishment in the party long before that, so he still has those values.

    But a commitment to preserve and defend the Constitution is probably the only thing I have in common with him. I welcome him insofar as that. Harris will do that. Trump will not.

    For example, I don't think it's cool to shoot your friends in the face with a shotgun. Also I'm not a big fan of wars for oil.

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    Do lesbians like boobs as much as straight guys?
  • I have it on pretty good authority that everyone who likes having sex with humans likes female boobs. And plump round asses. It's some deeply ingrained evolutionary stuff.

    Doesn't mean a gay guy is gonna go straight because of some nice tits, but he can appreciate them erotically.

  • So I have a great stable of 6* only really missing Typhon, maybe one day...

    For some of the events that use randomly selected operators, I want to get whatever 4* guys I could use best.

    So if you look at this list, what guys do you see that I should E2?

    Luo Xiaohei Bubble Matterhorn Ambriel Shirayuki Greyy Sussurro Dobermann Rope Indigo Perfumer Scavenger Beehunter Jackie Quartz Dur-nar Meteor Totter Pudding Purestream Roberta Gavial Conviction Vermeil Mousse Aciddrop Arene Estelle Jessica Myrrh Podenco Earth Spirit Gitano Haze Outage Pinecone Humus Caper Verdant


    Why did Zuckerberg choose now to confess?
  • This is Zuck's characterisation. No direct quotes. No attachments (that I've seen). He calls it pressure. He says they wanted to censor "satire & humor." In fact this BS letter is what the original article quoted.

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    What made everyone move to Bluesky or Threads instead of Mastodon?
  • If Mastodon wins out in the long run the only reason will be persistence.

    All these other "like Twitter but ______" micro blogging or whatever sites only stay viable while they're profitable.

    If Bluesky or Threads become (net) unprofitable, they'll die. Mastodon is already unprofitable, so that can't kill it.

    I think we could compete with #1 just by word of mouth.

    For #2 some person or group needs to develop a Mastodon app (FOSS obviously) that has a "just do this part for me" option, probably automatically enabled.

    #3 is on us. We have to do what we can to make Mastodon (and Lemmy) more open and accepting without falling pretty to the paradox of tolerance.

    #4 is hard... Although I think if Mastodon follows or tries to replicate the "early" Facebook user experience where most or all of the content people got was from people they follow, that could be better. The only challenge is that algorithms tickle our anger/hate/disgust impulses to drive and maintain engagement. That's some very strong "lizard brain" stuff.

    So... let's get going y'all! :)

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    Why did Zuckerberg choose now to confess?
  • I love how he just uncritically and with absolute credulity accepts excerpts from a letter written by Zuck with no supporting evidence, no examples of what "pressure" looked like, etc.

    I can't believe these people are still so butt hurt about the perfectly reasonable actions taken by the US and State governments and governments worldwide in response to a once in a century global respiratory DEADLY pandemic that killed millions and millions of humans.

    And as far as FB (and other social media) goes, fuck em. And fuck the users. Types of speech can be illegal. Defamation (lying about someone) and false advertising (lying about a product or service) can be illegal even though it's definitely speech. These have "lying" in common, which to me implies there must be something about lying (specifically misrepresenting reality) that weakens typical 1st Amendment protections.

    But it's clear what this guy is most sad about is the traffic he got while his article about Woodstock going on during a lull in the comparatively mild pandemic that was "active" at the time (no meaningful H3N2 activity in the US at the time) went away when FB rightly changed the algorithm to not boost his stupid irrelevant "analysis."

    But people like the writer of this article are either too addled by conspiracy galaxy brain or too committed to lying for money to care that they could really hurt people with their bullshit.

    This guy needs to go to something less harmful like selling homeopathic tinctures or lying about the moon landing or flat earth or something.

  • We only know about when humans mastered fire or started using metal. But we know the exact date when the first powered flight took place. What are some really early "first ____" we know the date of for sure?


    Is Puzzle basically a "better" Yato to have a 5* fast redeploy on levels where you can't bring Specialists?
