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Google is losing its status as a verb
  • Natural consequence of 1) google being shit, and 2) "looking something up" and similar phrases automatically meaning the internet. No one is going to assume the library anymore.

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    Series: What are your ADHD Tools of Thumb?
  • Very similar to what I was going to say.

    One more I'd add is being honest with others. If I'm not writing it down or it isn't set as a reminder on my phone chances are very low it'll happen.

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    OpenAI Pleads That It Can’t Make Money Without Using Copyrighted Materials for Free
  • Web search used to be about scraping the web to find and present other people's work as just that... their work. Now the handful of websites claim ownership of the contributions of everyone, and at this point it's just corporations arguing about who owns your stuff. Pirates will not win out in this argument, except maybe in the very short term.

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    what's the best habit you've developed and how did you develop it?
  • Oh, that's great, I think you've got to be almost there then!

    Something else you can start adding is holding at the top then lowering down with as much control as possible, and pausing every inch or so. You can also work on shifting weight from one arm to the other between each pause (e.g. lower an inch with as much weight as you can on the left then pause for a second to shift as much as you can to the right and lower another inch).

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    what's the best habit you've developed and how did you develop it?
  • One thing that I think helps is just hanging. Gets you used to carrying your bodyweight in a way that assisted doesn't. What you're doing will still help with full range of motion, but maybe at the end just hang as long as you can. At some point you can also add this at the top (e.g. hop up to bar to chin and hold as long as possible)

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    YSK: It's possible to get search results from Google without the annoying 'AI' answers at the top
  • As you said there are people who don't want to switch from Chrome and Google, but at this point if you're talking about a ten step fix-it plan, is really does make more sense to just use Firefox and DDG. Or searx, I'm pretty sure that's still fewer steps.

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    Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?
  • Both are great games, with 1 being a little rough around the edges but still very playable. The gameplay is different enough that it's worth playing them both imo. Story might be better if you play 1 first, but I played through 2 first, then went back later to play 1 and was pleasantly surprised how good it was.

    I probably vehemently disagree with some recommendations to play BG 1 and 2 btw, your mileage may vary. It requires very specific builds and knowledge of DnD, or lots of trial and error. You can easily build a well rounded group and find yourself unable to progress because of lacking one very specific thing. If that doesn't sound to annoying, it might be worth a shot. If nothing else, rolling characters is fun.

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    Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?
  • I didn't see these in the list:

    Wyldermyth - indie fairly unique story building campaign with turn based tactical combat.

    Wastelands 3 - post apocalyptic RPG with good story, choices, and characters. Great tactical turn based combat. Other than the other Larian games this is closest to filling the BG 3 shaped hole.

    Halo Master Chief Collection; 1 - 3, Reach, and ODST are amazing co-op. We've played through all of them multiple times. 4 is... disappointing.

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    Today, I left windows behind for good
  • It's always the top 10 once enough people chime in, because any can work and it's easy enough to install or select what you need on most of them. (I'd probably recommend mint).

    But... hardware is probably more important. Cutting edge GPU might not have good drivers yet. AMD is probably going to be much better supported. Networking you're probably good now, but getting more popular stuff means it's more likely to already have had the kinks worked through years ago. If you play popular multiplayer shooters with shitass anti cheat malware it probably won't work.

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    FTC bans fake reviews
  • Not sure why you're being down voted. It's a legit question even if you support the law. Enforcement seems very difficult and other laws and courts make even easier enforcement difficult.

    I still think it's a very positive direction from the FTC.

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    Teamsters President — Who Spoke at RNC — Slams Trump’s Position on Firing Striking Workers: ‘Economic Terrorism’
  • This comment chain has illustrated how effective control over corporate media is. All I knew before was that he spoke at the RNC, and assumed the worst, which I'm sure was the intention. The content of his speech is definitely not widely distributed.

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    Disney Seeking Dismissal of Raglan Road Death Lawsuit Because Victim Was Disney+ Subscriber
  • I doubt they re-accepted it when they used their Disney account in any way a normal person would consider acceptance. That's why the corporation includes clauses like "by continued use of our service you agree to any further errosion of human rights we feel infringes upon our current growth or profit model".

    Buying tickets was the most recent use of service.
