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how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?
  • Well, I'd say 100k to 300k qualifies as more money than I've ever made in a single year of my life, more than I've made in my entire life if we go closer to 300k...

    But what I meant was that the ultimate hiring process is dictated, signed off on or altered, all the way down, by the wealth holding members of society. The top execs, the board.

    And that the society created, and largely owned, by their policies is essentially gaslighting us every day.

    Have you ever spent an entire year applying to jobs... as a full time job? After having had a career, losing it to a disability, then trying to go back after years of recovery?

    With maybe one reply every few months, despite being qualified for everything you are applying to?

    Becoming depressed as everyone around you spends the first month giving you mindless cheery platitudes, then forgetting you exist, then becoming angry when you tell them you can't afford to do anything that involves money?

    Then when you finally cave and go work some bullshit job you are immensely overqualified for, everyone blames you for not living up to your potential?

    They made it, it worked out for them, why didn't it work out for you?

    Even though it never once occured to them to maybe help you out monetarily and avoid going into massive debt, or by putting in a good word for you with their network of contacts.

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    how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?
  • All there is to accept is the knowledge that the vast majority of employers, the wealth holding members of society, do not actually care about anyone that won't earn them more money.

    And then also that not all, but most of society will also tell you that you must be doing something wrong, it must be your fault.

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    Are there previous historical examples of cult-like followings of US political candidates?
  • I was born and raised in the PNW and first saw the LaRouchies at the UW, with a large display of Obama with a Hitler mustache... though I did not spit at them lol.

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    Are there previous historical examples of cult-like followings of US political candidates?
  • Other posters have already come up with Huey Long, Charles Coughlin, Joe McCarthy, Lyndon LaRouche...

    No American Presidential candidate before Trump has been so widely popular whilst also having a cult following of people who basically believe in an entirely different reality whilst also being so brash and brazen about it.

    There have been demagogues before, with cultish followings, but they've not been anywhere near as popular as Trump.

    To attempt to add a few:

    Technically, Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, attempted to run for President back when Mormons were basically what we would now call a domestic terrorist group, and when most non Mormons viewed them as a dangerous cult.

    He was assassinated by a mob, who stormed the jail he was in whilst awaiting trial for treason and other charges, before the election took place.

    Also, you might be able to consider the fairly brief existence of the Anti-Masonic party at least somewhat akin to the living in a totally different reality attribute of MAGA people.

    Basically, following the inciting incident of the Morgan Affair, where a William Morgan was apparently planning to publish a book outlining the evils of a Freemason conspiracy to control government and business in the US, but he was jailed, a bit of a circus trial ensued, and then he disappeared.

    The Anti Masonic party was the US's first third-party and basically it was built off of what we'd now call conspiracy theories stemming from the Morgan Affair, and called for Masons to renounce their fraternity or to be uprooted from positions of prominence.

    Much like the modern MAGA movement, it was full of highly religious conspiracy theorists, but it didn't really coalesce into also being a cult of personality around any of their more prominent members the way such reverence exists for Trump.

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    Better yet, take 5
  • Alex Jones and others have been pushing this notion for over a decade, that Planned Parenthood actually operates a black market for baby parts and organs.

    I think they used some shitty, vastly out if context stealth footage from Project Veritas, if memory serves.

    Hell, the whole crazy Q Anon adrenochrome shit at least partially spawned from this: Live, scared babies have more or more pure adrenochrome, therefore thats how we know they do post birth abortions!

    Its a delusional reinforcing loop of explanations for things that are not happening leading to explanations for those explanations... evidence is no where, but if you're prone or susceptible to the idea that there is a true, objective, hidden evil in this world, then uh, well facts don't care about your feelings and if you feel scared and angry, any 'facts' will do.

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    Why even ask?
  • Except that you can effectively screen for basic interpersonal skills with a casual conversation of 15 to 30 minutes where the interviewer throws in some flashpoint / hot topics and asks a few more pointed or consequential questions after a general report has been established.

    Or better yet, do that with their possible coworkers, or get said coworkers to suggest topics and questions for the recruiter in the above scenario.

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    ‘Do not store guns in your oven’: Loaded gun stored in oven fires multiple rounds after getting overheated
  • So, the article isn't specific enough to explain whether or not the 5 rounds actually fired or cooked off.

    Normally, ammo is said to 'cook off' (the irony in this specific situation is literally physically painful to me) when the gunpowder in the cartridge is heated enough that it deflagrates, usually with less of a total and rapid burn than when a gun is normally fired.

    This is because primers (the substance that is actually struck by the firing pin and actually explodes, thus setting off the rest of the gunpowder to deflagrate) typically have much higher temperature thresholds before they will react than the gunpowder itself.

    Basically what this usually means is that when ammo cooks off, it is still quite dangerous, but the bullets will have lower velocities than normal, less predictable trajectories.

    I'd be curious to know whether the round in the chamber cooking off actually successfully had enough energy to cycle the action and load a subsequent round, or if half of them just exited from the magazine and handgrip.

    Either way this is an extraordinarily stupid thing to do, jfc.

    I thought it was bad when my idiot roommate left a pan of nachos and the plastic spatula in the oven after telling me she cleaned the kitchen. Went to preheat the next day and... oh. She did not clean the kitchen, now our spatula is molten and my chance of getting cancer has increased somewhat.

    I guess thats not as bad as a fucking gun.

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    Why even ask?
  • Why ask?

    To further solidify the notion that you, as a recruitee, must show total devotion and unwavering loyalty to a potential employer.

    Obviously recruiters know that people jump around after contracts or when they feel they are not being paid enough, that people scatter shot apply to anything like guys swiping on tinder because their prior experience trying to get a job has shown them that there's really no rhyme or reason to it, that desired qualifications are nearly always absurdly niche or dramatically overinflated, and that there's a hundred or a thousand people applying to every job opening.

    It is literally their job to facilitate this process. Of course they know how all if this works.

    This rhetoric is basically an attempt at conditioning you into being servile. If you 'play ball', you might get this particular job, and then they'll basically lie to you about upward mobility, job stability or repeating contracts.

    They are salesman. They sell the job to you and you to the company.

    Why would they be anything other than slimy underhanded liars?

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    Elements of Renewable Energy
  • The deforestation of the Amazon is largely driven by a desire for more land to grow biofuels (sugarcane) on.

    The byproducts of sugar production (the leaves and stalks) are used to produce ethanol from a biological, renewable source, as opposed to fossil fuels.

    Oh, and in the Amazon, said sugarcane farming is often done by slaves.

    You either need more farmland to grow what will become biofuels on it, or you have to stop growing food on existing farmland, which means food gets more expensive.

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    'Cities: Skylines II' Found a Solution for High Rents: Get Rid of Landlords
  • Ah.

    I am not aware of any games/sims that do that.

    It might be possible to heavily mod such things into Cities Skylines 1 or 2, but it would be a ton of work and basically no fun to play for everyone other than masochistic uber nerds (I am counting myself as one).

    It would be comparable to the percentage of players that play Kerbal Space Program vs the percentage that play KSP with the full suite of Realism Overhaul, Realistic Solar System, and all that.

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    'Cities: Skylines II' Found a Solution for High Rents: Get Rid of Landlords
  • SimCity 2000 had scenarios of pre existing cities with specific goals, and though it did not have as many or as elaborate mass transit systems as later city builders, I think a few of them required you to both grow and reduce traffic, basically requiring you to build a working mass transit system.

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    Water based combat evolved
  • Any baddie capable of being hit by you, in a river or bog or lake, with a ppsh, is going to have an exponentially easier time shooting you than visa versa.

    Popped condom cork.

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    Jesus what a burn
  • He'll require every American to write the IRS a multipage letter each year where they must explain why they deserve their tax rebate.

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    People on Tik Tok peddling these scams
  • I used to know sooo many people that would justify this, a cryptoscam, shilling literally any outright fraud or vastly overpriced bs on their social media.

    'They're just getting their bag, you're hating cuz you broke!'

    This is the cyberpunk dystopia.

  • So, I do not follow Adin Ross, as he is an absolutely detestable idiot.

    However, occasionally he does something so stupid it makes its way over to me.

    5 months ago, in late February, Adin Ross and a bunch of idiot, barely not children, friends, shot the shit out of his CyberTruck with an AR 15.

    To Adin's shock and dismay, this royally fucked up his lowpoly status symbol, with many shots going fully through.

    Adin can be heard and seen begging, demanding Elon send him a new one.

    Its completely absurd.

    Fast forward to today.

    Adin and XQC presented Donald Trump with a wrapped CyberTruck as a gift.

    Ok, so other media are pointing out how this is probably an illegal amount for a donation to a Presidential candidate, how Trump sitting down and doing a stream with multiple 'influencers' is extremely problematic for many reasons...

    But what I want to know is ...

    ... Is this a newly purchased CyberTruck? How could that be, given that the waitlist is huge? Did Elon personally order Tesla to speedrun fixing up or replacing Adin's CyberTruck?

    Did XQC have one?

    ... Or did Adin Ross shoot the fuck out of a CyberTruck, get bits of it repaired, then wrap it in a wrap featuring the image of a triumphant Trump having barely missed being headshot from an assasin, and then give a vehicle full of bullet holes, covered up by a cheap wrap, to Trump?

    I feel like I am losing my mind trying to comprehend the fractal layers of insane that would be to do.

    Does anyone who maybe knows more about Adin or XQC know more details?

    I really, really want it to be the case that I exist in a universe where something so profoundly stupid did not actually occur.


    You could probably make a poptarts are sandwiches alignment style thing out of this.

    Basically, any video game with an explicit goal, or set of goals is just a puzzle game with extra steps.

    What buttons do you push, when do you push them, what does this accomplish, how does that lead you to your end goal, etc.

    You could even argue that multiplayer tactics constitute a puzzle, a more social puzzle.

    Yes, this is reductive, but this is a dumb showerthoughts post.

    57 Alex Jones says Infowars could be shut down within hours

    The news service's host claimed that federal authorities were going to shut down his studios in Austin, Texas, on Friday night.

    >In what he described as an "emergency broadcast" on Saturday, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones claimed that his far-right news company, Infowars', studios in Austin, Texas, might be shut down by federal authorities soon.

    >"This is going to be Infowars' last show, because I learned yesterday that they were going to padlock the door and kick us out last night," Jones said while on Infowars on Saturday.

    >On the same day, Friday, May 31, the news outlet published an article saying it might be shut down in 48 hours.

    >Newsweek contacted Infowars by email on Sunday morning for comment and any evidence of the alleged attempt to shut down the company's studios.

    >Jones said that he spotted "guards looking at me weird" at the entrance of the Infowars building and believed that his company was going to be shut down.

    Basically, the entire studio has been repossessed, has guards around the perimeter.

    You can currently find clips of him breaking down and crying on twitter, and the whole broadcast is viewable on rumble, but I don't have an x account nor am I going to post a rumble link.

    He played out the end of the broadcast with, of course, 'My Way' by Sinatra.


    This is just a question.

    In case you don't know, motion matching is the term for animating characters... basically in a way that smoothly blends minor and even major animations into each other, such that characters are animated much closer to life.

    It is most notable in scenarios where a character rotates their axis of movement dramatically, or speeds up or stops suddenly. Instead of the more old school instant rotation or sudden transition from running to stationary, you get a dynamic and procedural animation. Perhaps most notably, feet and legs actually take steps, instead of gliding, during transitions.

    It is not the same as inverse kinematics. That basically just matches feet and legs to the geometry they are standing on, for stairs or inclines. (You can use it with arms for things like adjusting arms during arm anims to better match individual weapons or other things, etc.)

    Unity, Unreal and O3DE all have freely available motion matching plugins, and I know Unreal and O3DE have freely available prepackaged humanoid animation libraries. Unity probably does as well, though more expansive anim sets cost some money.

    So... question is: Is motion matching even possible in Godot? Is there some plugin hidden in GitHub or somewhere that does this?

    From what I've been able to figure out... the YMAA project... apparently? claimed to be working on this, but their repo has not been updated in months, their current release does not even have half the features they show off on their youtube channel, and they appear to now be making a machinima or something so who knows.

    That is all I have really been able to find. A few other github devs and youtube channels have extremely rudimentary procedural animation in demos, but either they have not listed their code anywhere or its been abandoned for months or years, sometimes since before Godot 4.

    So yeah, anyone know if there is a Godot Motion Matching plugin?
