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Best (and Worst) of Lemmy Updates

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  • Best (and Worst) of Lemmy Updates
    RCMaehl [Any]

    Beehaw defederates and

    I am not the OOP. OOP is u/

    Original - Posted June 15, 2023

    hey folks, we’ll be quick and to the point with this one:

    we have made the decision to defederate from and we recognize this is hugely inconvenient for a wide variety of reasons, but we think this is a decision we need to take immediately. the remainder of the post details our thoughts and decision-making on why this is necessary. we have been concerned with how sustainable the explosion of new users on Lemmy is–particularly with federation in mind–basically since it began. i have already related how difficult dealing with the explosion has been just constrained to this instance for us four Admins, and increasingly we’re being confronted with external vectors we have to deal with that have further stressed our capab