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Freeze Peach Patriots
Freeze Peach Patriots

welcome to chad mctruths truth community
where free speech still exists and critical thinking is encouraged

website for patriots only libs do not click

community rules

  • rule 1 - dont be a troll or well cry no exceptions
  • rule 2 - no self promotion unless its relevant to the conversation like if chads stomach hurts and youre mr bismol
  • rule 3 - no downvoting
  • rule 5 - no reporting us to the admins

patriot pro tip

  • if you do things like say freeze peach instead of free speech you can use that as a safety net for when people get mad at you so you can point to it and pretend your ideas were a joke all along and say it was satire even though it wasnt

some acronyms you might see

  • iabt - i agree big time: you said something right
  • idbt - i disagree big time: you said something wrong
  • hbihtaydrtr - hey buddy i have to assume you didnt read the rules: you need to read the rules
  • [comprehensive list](https://pastebi
Active Today
2 mo. ago
  • Freeze Peach Patriots

    we have an official website now for patriots only

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth

    lets talk about tampon addiction (text post inside)

    my wife is addicted to tampons

    my wife asks me to buy tampons for her all the time she goes through a pack of 20 every month its like she cant get enough and i dont know what to do about it she takes them into the bathroom and does god knows what with them

    this is a growing problem

    when we first got together i had a feeling she might have a bit of a problem with them but she was covert about it but shes not even bashful about it anymore shell call me at the store and KNOWING that i have her on speakerphone shell ask me for the BIGGEST tampons they have

    the liberals are normalizing it

    theyve normalized addiction what with all their tiktoks and their fentanyl can you believe it the companies that make these things are just preying on people like my wife getting them hooked on this stuff its a total disgrace and whats worse is the FAKE news media wont even report on it they just ignore it ive called my local new about this several times

    we have to stop thi

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth

    pescatarian pizza

    • 227 g fish creme (blend fish liver with fish oil to create a creamy paste)
    • ]36 g fish protein isolate
    • ]35 g fish protein powder
    • ]21 g unflavored fish gelatin
    • ]30 g fish oil powder (optional for flavor)
    • ]24 g fish food flakes (optional for flavor)
    • ]2 large caviars
    • ]4.93 ml fish sauce (used to ensure all the bone ash is fully reacted to avoid bone ash taste)
    • ]2 g fish bone ash (leavening agent)
  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth

    rule 3 is my number one rule


  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth

    my unique talking points on the epstein documents

  • Freeze Peach Patriots

    Here's an idea: "Therapeutic Kidnapping"- let me explain (text-post inside)

    Introducing: Loving Lockdown

    Are you tired of the same old conflicts with your partner or child? Do you find yourself longing for the good old days when you didn't have to deal with their constant presence? Look no further! The premier therapeutic kidnapping service is here (now with 98% less Nazis!)

    How it works

    Our team of highly supervised, unlicensed therapists will swoop in and whisk away that special someone, giving you the space and solitude you so desperately crave. And don't worry- we'll make sure they're well taken care of in a secure, undisclosed location.


    Our philosophy is simple: absence makes the heart grow fonder. And what's more absent than being held against your will in a windowless room? It's like a couples' retreat where we handle the mental gymnastics for you.

    Don't just take our word for it!
    Here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

    "I was skeptical at first, but after my wife was kidnapped, I realized how much

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth

    request to mod c/conservative

    ignoring what gets upvoted and what is downvoted to oblivion its quite clear what the community at large wants

    we want ! to be another serious conservative comm like freeze peach patriots again because we dont have our own instance yet dedicated to our kind of freeze peach or really any other comms

    c/conservative has been left headless okay and you know what id like to request to give it head and clean up any lefties on the community

    i am consistently online here except for the times im not and listen im prepared to take on the responsibility because im a patriot and im on a mission for truth and i wont back down

    thank you for your consideration

    the requested community link is !

    additionally id also like to request ! as for that one it seems a boring nerd created it and has since been abandoned for years


    given the uncontroversial nature of the comms topic i have decided to remove any proposed se

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth


    tell me about a time you were built different

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth

    crossposting to elaborate on this a bit see inside for details

    crossposted from

    let me explain

    1. only the right has the right to control other peoples lives thats why were called the right
    2. liberals are legally obligated to hear all my opinions that thats why ive called the police on davel and several lemmy world mods for silencing me
    3. if you never get offended you wont grow big and strong and if people care when you get offended you could develop osteoporosis
    4. liberals are close on this but have it backwards its rules for thee and not for me not rules for me and not for thee

    edit 20 more banned souls i hate that it has come to this

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth


    dont be a tryhard nerd heres how to be like lightning

    • borrow money from your friends and family until they stop talking to you
    • lie to doctors
    • use a waterpick instead of flossing
    • dont wash your hands unless someones watching
    • dont get car maintenance and just crash it when you need a new one
    • say uh huh every so often when your wife is talking instead of listening

    do you know more tips and tricks to be like lightning if so please share them in the comments

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth

    im purda da resistance (story inside)

    i headed to the north pole

    i headed to the north pole unaware my xbox had just silently updated call of duty and the liberals just stood there watching me i felt like bitchinbubba and i was gathering my gear like my long sleeve shirt and several snacks and for all they knew there might even be snow there but i knew that was just propaganda

    several idiot badguys said stuff

    you might not ever find santa said one hater

    what if you get caught by the cia along the way what if someone tries to stop you from getting the naughty list along the way blubbered my mother

    how could you be so selfish to choose the needs of your investigation over the needs of the swamp lamented the deepstate

    do you not find this corruption enough cried the department of education

    but i ignored them haha classic

    i just kept gathering my sentimentals and other important supplies in silence like i was hearing a song or a tune that nobody else could hear and it was coming from the risin

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth

    i am not chad mctruth irresponsible in this freeze peach community ama


    uh oh

    this community exists alone with solid labels like patriot and truth and other such similar things and an unfair number of people are mad at me and i know ive made the deepstate government elites more than just mad theyve got compasses that always point chad and theyre after me but heres the thing im a patriot and i wont back down so ill be doing some magic soon can you believe it get ready

    please do not dm me


    good morning what a sad thing to see upon first waking no one is saying anything so ill clarify this a bit

    my purpose is to be a beloved vector for the truth and the purpose of this community is to be a patriotic platform for content that requires a level of moderator integrity power trippin bastards cant handle

    a lot of my content that seems to fall flat are just way over your head and i talk about all sorts of truths for example the law and romance and bad words and deepstate plots and m

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    chud mcfalse


    patriots should we make a freedom loving store for patriots well use the money to fund republican scandals i mean its genius why not

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    chud mcfalse


    oh man lets talk about trump and i gotta tell you he is a total genius a mastermind a hero who is fighting against the deep state and the FAKE news media and all the other forces that are trying to take him down

    heres the thing

    i mean can you believe it the way theyre trying to impeach him and discredit him its just a big witch hunt a way to silence him and take away his power

    • theyre just trying to control us
    • theyre just trying to take away our freedom
    • theyre just trying to undermine trump and i ask you what other president has been able to accomplish what he has in just a few years its incredible

    the truth is

    the way he has been able to expose the truth and bring attention to the real issues that matter like the border wall and the fake news media and the democrats who are just trying to obstruct him at every turn its absurd and its a total disgrace the way theyre trying to undermine him and take away his authority but trump wont let them he is a winner a champ

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth

    our apportionments are going to be adjusted ATTN mods get ready to starve

    the recent executive order includes ALL FEDERAL AGENCIES

    this is exactly why ive been saying we shouldnt be federated and everyone needs to switch to lemmy world because we dont need the government coming in and telling us what to do but everyone just loves regulating their own independent lemmy agency and now look were going to have to report to the OMB

    im not an idiot i can guess what aPpOrTiOnMeNtS means

    i only get paid $11.50/hr to moderate this community and i dont feel like thats a lot but my mom always told me to have smaller portions at dinner she tried to traumatize me but it didnt work because im built different and i always took a big portion and now this now the GOVERNMENT is trying to adjust my portions and i wont stand for it

    what this means for mods probably

    • smaller portions
    • paperwork
    • possibly cool presidential seals of approval
    • execution???

    i think uh oh fuck what do you think

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Tao of Fremont

    Was the election rigged??

    At work today I heard a few people say that "they didn't vote for elon" and why does he have so much power and I got to thinking that I haven't actually met anyone who says they did vote for Elon.

    I know he wasn't on my ballot, but neither was Nancy Pelosi and I never met anyone who voted for her but shes always in office so i just assumed it was a regional thing, but why are people around me saying stuff about not voting for him but they dont complain about nancy pelosi?

    idk something just feels off to me like if i could have voted for him why wasn't he on my ballot?

    Did the dems tried to supress his vote just because he's a white guy or was he not in my district or something?

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    chud mcfalse

    so true

    ok listen up liberals ive heard some of you around here say monarchists are bad and thats bad so im here to set the record strait

    what are you an anarchist

    i mean how the h*ck could anyone hate monarchists i mean whats the alternative anarchism thats the most cringe thing ive ever heard

    kids these days dont know what theyre missing

    seriously go back to zaragoza or california if you hate monarchists so much liberal

    zero tolerance policy for non monarchists

    you will be BANNED for 7 christmases if you disagree

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    chud mcfalse

    why republicans are based and everyone else is cringe

    ok listen up liberals ive heard some of you around here say republicans are bad and thats bad so im here to set the record strait

    what are you a monarchist

    i mean how the h*ck could anyone hate republicans i mean whats the alternative monarchism thats the most cringe thing ive ever heard

    it isnt the 17th century anymore old man

    seriously go back to bourbon france or saudi arabia if you hate republicans so much liberal

    zero tolerance policy for non republicans

    you will be BANNED for 7 christmases if you disagree

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Tao of Fremont

    Just paid my taxes with Itunes Gift Cards!

    I feel like my post yesterday spurred some good discussion but i got a lot of down votes which I didn't think you could do in this subreddit and a few people seemed upset whcih was never my intention.

    So, I wanted to share some actually good news that's coming out of this administration.

    Ever since Elon musk took over the IRS i've been hoping maybe something good would come out of it. I mean who doesn't hate the irs right?

    anyway, filling my taxes has always been such a PITA (pain in the ass) and every year I have to pay out a bunch of money to HRblock just to be able to find out if I owed or coudl get a refund, but now that Elon is changing things, it was soo much easier!

    In fact, I didn't even have to file anything this year. For the first time ever, I got a nice text message telling me what I owed and with a handy link to pay on line.

    I thought that was pretty nifty on its own, but seeing as I don't have a credit card, i thought it might not work for me. Then i noticed t

  • Freeze Peach Patriots
    Not Chad McTruth

    a list of my enemies if youre on this list take note because im coming for you (edit censored due to admin feedback)