With two weeks to go before the election, supporters of Pamela Price are campaigning hard to convince voters to allow the progressive Alameda County district attorney to finish her first term. They are up against a heavily funded recall effort determined to see that Price’s tenure is as short-li...
In November 2022, Oakland resident Ima Ekong went to her local polling place to cast her vote in the city’s mayoral election. Two years later, she says she’s still unclear how ranked-choice voting, the ballot system used in city elections, selects winners and losers. “I think it is really confusing,...
The Oaklandside won’t tell you who to vote for. But we’ve rounded up guides from a diverse range of local groups and individuals to help you make sense of the election.
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Extensive list of Oakland voter guides from Oaklandside
The official website of the City of Oakland. Find out about meetings, request City services through OAK 311, or contact the Mayor and City Council.
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Section 8.66.030 - No Interference by Property Owner
A. No property owner shall interfere with the right of an occupant to obtain communication
services from the communication services provider of the occupant’s choice.
B. A property owner interferes with the occupant’s choice of communication services
provider by, among other things, refusing to allow a communication services provider to
install the facilities and equipment necessary to provide communication services or use
any existing wiring not currently in use by another provider to provide communication
services as required by this ordinance.
Also worth emphasizing, property owners are required to notify tenants of this ordinance:
Section 8.66.115 Notification to Occupants
All property owners of multiple occupancy buildings as defined in section 8.66.020 are required
to issue written notice to all existing occupants of their rights contained in this ordinance within
60 days after the city
Long-running anarchist radio and podcast show The Final Straw presents and interview with organizers from the Oakland Homeless Union and the Rural Organizing and Resilience (ROAR). This week on the show we’re featuring two interviews. First up, you’ll hear from Freeway, a houseless activist in Oakla...
The Oakland City Council approved a proposal Tuesday to temporarily increase contribution limits for candidates in the upcoming election. The proposal, introduced by council members Janani Ramachandran and Kevin Jenkins, neither of whom is up for reelection this year, raises the maximum allowed ...
With its enforcement chief departing soon, the Public Ethics Commission approved a settlement with Libby Schaaf and other Oakland powerbrokers to resolve allegations of campaign finance law violations.
Mario Juarez filed a motion seeking a dismissal of his criminal fraud case, claiming Price sought a payoff after the funeral of an Oakland police officer.