The official support of Windows 7 has finally ended today!
The official support of Windows 7 has finally ended today!

The official support of Windows 7 has finally ended today!
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They told me Windows 10 was the last Windows and I intend to make them fulfill that promise. And when I fail to make them fulfill their promise, I will keep it for myself.
/sigh at this point i feel like “that guy” but M$ didnt say 10 would be the last Microsoft, a specific employee said it in a specific situation, that in context was pretty obviously “latest” and not “final”.
The internet just took that one line and ran with it, as they are known to do.
/sigh, I barely use it, and when I do, it pisses me off. I'll try to remember this anyway, thanks.
Just in time to switch to Linux for me. Now that all my games run on Linux that will be the logical choice
Win10 is the last windows. Defang it and put it in a VM. Still a better UI than the competition although KDE plasma is getting close, dolphin is very nice
KDE these days is better at being Windows than Windows. Dunno how long it's been since you've used it (or how much/little you tinkered with it)
I tried it last week. It looks and feel great. But it's missing a lot of software that I want and many things are in the wrong place. Maybe when they add seamless network transparency to Wayland and I can just stream the applications that I want.
That's just because you've been raised on it.
Yes, I will not retrain my muscle memory plus the incessant fucking around in console to do basic things like search files. I want everything, irfanview, alt-snap, , explorer patcher features, consistent dark themes, ditto clipboard manager, fancyZone, xmousebuttoncontrol. Exactly identical, I'm staying on defanged win10 until then