Americans: Never, EVER question again how Hitler came to power in 1933 Germany
Americans: Never, EVER question again how Hitler came to power in 1933 Germany
Because you now did it to yourself.
Americans: Never, EVER question again how Hitler came to power in 1933 Germany
Because you now did it to yourself.
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Women: he told you he's taking your rights away and is already letting you die in hospital waiting rooms
Tradesman: he told you overtime and unions are gone
Veterans: he told you he hates you, pissed all over the sanctity of Arlington and is gutting the VA
Hispanics: he told you you and yours are getting deported and doesn't care if you're legal or not
Those on social security, Medicare, Medicaid or ACA: he told you he's cutting/gutting these
Anyone with ties to Palestine: he told you he's going to help Israel finish the job
The one silver lining is that Trump voters are about to face reality in a way would never otherwise have to deal with. I really wish that took the edge off, but it really doesn't. The impacts of this election will be horrific to everyone, even those who will profit in the short term from the graft and corruption.
They'll still blame it on literally everyone else.
Even when their daughter has an ectopic pregnancy and they can't find help.
Schadenfreude is all we have left for the next four years.
If we're lucky, that is.
Everyone says the other side is duped, I don't know how more clear he could be.
Re: Hispanic people
The people that voted for him are legal citizens that have been here for generations. Same old American immigrant story that has been here since the nation’s founding - people closing the door behind them.
Germany had legal jewish citizens before Hitler came to power. Some even voted for him. Strong leader and all that...
None of that is going to happen to me cause I'm one of the good ones. /s
Israel is finishing the job rn
I want trump voters to get everything they voted for. Everything. All of it.
At the end they will think, the leftists did them lol
and the rest of us will be collateral damage.
Yep, sure will. But this site and Reddit and FB and everywhere else insisted that Nazis have equal free speech rights and that we should respect religious beliefs and I can go fuck myself for telling everyone to arm up and ready to defend themselves so I dont know what else to tell you.
Jokes on you, most of the harm will come to them second hand (cost of living, wages, lack of supports) and will be blamed on (insert literally anything here).
And for a lot of the Trump supporters (I think the view called them uneducated or poor) Life will not really change, It will just continue to suck but with "their" guy in charge.
No joke on me. I want them to reap every single bit of what they sowed. I especially want parents to have to serve dinner to their daughter's rapist every Sunday. When a rape gets reported or goes to trial I want the sheriff and the judge to look the father in the eye and ask "well why didnt she just keep her legs closed?" I want education utterly dismantled so that only those who can buy education and every parent will be stuck with their kids and unable to work. I want FEMA utterly destroyed so there is nobody to call when a disaster strikes, and I want those disaster sudden and unexpected as well. I want the entire population to become plumbers, electricians and carpenters so that nobody will ever have to call one and they can sit around and wonder why their phone doesnt ring... No more art or science or culture to distract the middle class from their work assignments I want the US health care system- which is so amazing that foreigners travel here regularly to take advantage of it- to continue serving foreigners who are rich enough to fly here and cut in line ahead of all US citizens, who won'tbe able to afford it anyway. I want OSHA and the labor board dismantled, and unions made illegal and union organizing into a criminal offense. I want the ACA immediately repealed and all beneficiaries cut off. There's plenty more that I am not gonna bother listing, but I want the complete and utter destruction of US civilization and I want it done with the full approval of 51% of the country.
So status quo then?
😳 Are you out of your mind? Where in the world did you hear these things from? Lord, i mean if ANY of that were true; id be right there with ya. But those are the most left-field claims Ive ever heard and are not based on reality.
He's outright said or done all of these things.
I'm sure others can back up the other claims, but you said "ANY."
Then you haven't been watching. These things have come from HIS mouth.
I get it if you haven't. Lots of people wrote this election off 2 years ago and didn't want to hear it. A friend of mine simply thinks democrats didn't help the economy and doesn't keep up with anything political. So SHE ignores that he's genuinely a rapist and gets offended when people claim she's supporting one. She thinks it's a lot of fear mongering (which certainly exists). Based on polls that I saw, this is basically how a lot of these people voted - for "economy" reasons.
Those are all real. Which one are you having a hard time finding, I'm sure people can point you in the direction.
Put on top of that, if anyone changes their minds down the road, he told us he would use the military against his political opponents.
Boy are you in for a shock when you hear about Project 2025. This stuff is straight out of their playbook, with more to come.
It's telling that you haven't replied to a single comment challenging your belief here.