Wasn’t the issue with honey that the creators were being scammed?
I think you haven't watched MegaLag's video (at least not all of it) or other channels that covered this properly. As you can see in this section of MegaLag's video, Honey also hurt consumers because it claimed that there either weren't any coupons available when there were or it gave you a coupon that wasn't the one with the highest discount.
unless they were trying to specifically use the affiliate code to support their favorite creator.
Exactly. This also "hurts" consumers because, if I use an affiliate link, I want the channel I got it from to get that kickback so they can keep making content.
If they realized it was an issue and cut off their sponsorship because it was negatively impacting their own business and not the viewers, they have no reason to tell the viewers about it.
They do because the issue impacted both parties. Also, this is very cliché but also true, "if you see something, say something".
If you watch MegaLag's video, you'll also see that LTT then partnered with "Karma" (kinda ironic) which also does at least some of the same shady stuff Honey does. Here's the timestamped video.. They also ignored/refused to answer many of the questions MegaLag had.
it could open them up to a lawsuit with honey, and ultimately PayPal, who has a lot more money than a relatively large YouTube entertainment company.
GN, a smaller channel, is taking Honey to court so I don't see why a lawsuit would've scared them. They're also not alone, other creators and lawyers are doing the same thing. Honey will lose because there's undeniable proof that they've been stealing sales and offering coupon's that weren't actually the best to their consumers (if they offered any at all).
you have a responsibility as a business owner to ensure you can keep paying those people
While that's true, it's also true that the end doesn't always justify the means. Ethics are very important. Not only for yourself as the owner of the company but also to your employees and the audience.
I can’t see GN as anything but the annoying, self righteous redditor type who stands on his soapbox claiming everyone else is doing wrong and getting a sense of superiority out of it.
Again, you say this upsets you but can you point at a single case where they called out a company/product and were wrong? I really don't understand why you'd be upset about someone literally fighting and looking out for you.
Their content isn’t anything particularly special, so they have to drum up the view count by creating drama.
Please name other channels that review hw as well as they do. GN and Hardware Unboxed are the only ones that I know of that are actually decent. I don't see how you could consider them "not special". Considering not only their reviews but also all of their methodology videos, technical deep dives with industry workers and/or experts and factory tours.
at least hold them to the same scrutiny you would the channels they call out
I do, not sure why you'd say I don't. Is there anything specific you're referring to? Afaik, they have literally no problems with other youtubers and no one (that I know of) has generated any content denouncing them. The only thing I could criticize is that Steve seems to be a bit of a workaholic but, at least according to him, that's not something he demands of his coworkers.