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GamersNexus responds to Linus Sebastian's WAN Show segment Our Response to Linus Sebastian | GamersNexus

GN Extras Our Response to Linus Sebastian January 21, 2025 Last Updated: 2025-01-21 GamersNexus responds to Linus Sebastian's WAN Show segment Evidence Included PLAGIARISM: Receipt #1 - History of Failure to Resolve IssuesDATA ERRORS: Receipt #2 - History of Failure to Resolve IssuesEDITORIAL DISPUT...

Our Response to Linus Sebastian | GamersNexus


  • why is there 0 response on the honey and billet labs thing, which is part of that same wan show? what's with this half done response, why not show all the receipts? and also, why does he bring up a threat of legal action when there was no actual threat of legal action if you see that wan show?

    this is such a disappointment, I'm apparently meant to watch as these two adults constantly miscommunicate, misunderstand and ignore half of what the other has said online, and stretch the back and forth even longer than it needs to. This will take like 5 wan shows and gn articles to conclude properly

    • The legal action is, i think, because linus is basically dragging them through some deep mud by saying he is wrong and what he does are lies. Now i know gn kinda started it by mentioning them in the honey lawsuit video, and they shouldnt have, not like how they did ( but they were right that linus should have spoken up in 2017 because they knew what was going on ).

      I also suspect there is no reaction on the honey and biletlabs thing because there is nothing new to add. We know linus knew but kept his mouth shut about it and why, and we know ltt's internal workings fucked up everything about the biletlabs prototype (the video, the mislabeling of item, the auction, ... ).

      This whole thing is a shitfest and both parties need to calm the fuck down, which a threat at legal action might force them to do so.

      My opinion is that linus (again) shouldve kept his mouth shut about how "his head wouldve rolled if he spoke about honey" because that was wrong of him. Gn shouldnt have made the low punch towards ltt after that which caused linus to (again) not shut up and make things worse.

      • Now i know gn kinda started it by mentioning them in the honey lawsuit video, and they shouldnt have, not like how they did ( but they were right that linus should have spoken up in 2017 because they knew what was going on ).

        Which was only mentioned because the original investigator, MegaLag, also mentioned LTT as part of the investigation into honey.

        Funny how people are rather obessive over ignoring this crucial point, while trying to make Steve seem obsessed with Linus/LTT.

      • spoken up in 2017 because they knew what was going on ).

        Wasnt LTT also informed by other peers? Don't remember much of any coverage by any other outlet.
        And I think Linus even said that the information went around in the creator circles but didnt reach viewership.

    • Yeah I’ve come to the conclusion that anyone whose main job is creating “content” is a piece of shit.

  • Just finished reading. In summary: everyone loses here.

    Linus made some silly but understandable mistakes, had some very poor word choices in private communications, and got Steve on the defensive by publicly mentioning he didn't want to sue but implied he could. LMG is also (in the youtube world) a large company and is likely always working on process improvements, and the improvement Steve seems to want to happen that they are definitely lacking in, is to update old content with corrections or omissions.

    Steve poorly or never communicated what he thought were satisfactory resolutions to past comments or incidents and is upset that those resolutions didn't happen, and is only escalating the situation further by softly threatening legal action, while also hinting that they have way more evidence they are just conveniently leaving out despite their current evidence being mostly empty (specifically receipts 1 and 2).

    They both run very different channels with different focuses and staff sizes and production values, and each has made mistakes. None of this spat should have been public, but it seems both parties are just bad at communicating with one another and it has only escalated due to LMG actually publicly responding to public allegations by GN.

    If I had to declare a winner so far, Steve is looking worse for wear to me given the poor examples provided as receipts and the continued threat of legal escalation, but again - everyone loses here. Everyone looks worse and this should have been handled privately. Maybe LMG should appoint someone other than Linus to handle fellow media contacts, because it doesn't seem like he's the best for that job.

    • Steve poorly or never communicated what he thought were satisfactory resolutions to past comments or incidents and is upset that those resolutions didn't happen.

      Steve very clearly says he would be happy with being attributed in a pinned comment on the video in question. Linus agreed to do that, then... didn't do that. Steve is justified in being upset with the lack of action here, he isn't Linus's dad, he shouldn't have to ask more than once for such a simple request.

      and is only escalating the situation further by softly threatening legal action

      If someone with as much money as LMG threatens legal action against you, it's prudent to lawyer up and prepare a case/countersuit.

      while also hinting that they have way more evidence they are just conveniently leaving out

      Because when you're preparing a legal case, it's generally a good idea to not give your opponents all the materials you're building your case with.

      despite their current evidence being mostly empty (specifically receipts 1 and 2)

      How are those examples empty? They may not be very extreme examples, but they clearly illustrate the type of behavior GN is claiming LMG engages in.

      None of this spat should have been public

      I can agree with you there.

      If I had to declare a winner so far, Steve is looking worse for wear

      Lol you lost me again

      Everyone looks worse and this should have been handled privately. Maybe LMG should appoint someone other than Linus to handle fellow media contacts, because it doesn't seem like he's the best for that job.

      Motherfucker pulled me right back in lmao

      • At least to respond to the first segment here, the pinned comment on the VOD does attribute their GN's reporting for the segment. It does exactly what Linus said he would do in communication with Steve.

        Does the pinned comment do a great job? Absolutely not, but it does what Steve agreed to, and he should have spoken up sooner if he didn't like it.

        They didn't attribute on the clips channel cut, and I wouldn't be surprised if this is the result of poor internal communication at LMG (likely by Linus since he likely handled the request on the VOD) to remember to include that attribution in that upload. Again, it would have been good if Steve let them know about it and asked for them to be more careful in the future. Its hard for a large group of people to be organized in that way and reminders are helpful. To bring it up years later in a legal threat is poor form, even if he is technically in the right.

        To add onto my last comment though, I like watching the content from both of these creators and will continue to do so. My interpretation is neither is evil nor bad, but that there has been a series of poor communication and differing standards and expectations between them.

      • LTT needs to treat Linus like SpaceX treats Musk.

        built a wall of yesmen around him to agree to everything he says, and executes none of it.

  • I would not want to be butting heads with Steve. The guys a powerhouse and meticulous. Linus is entertainment and little more.

  • GamerNexus seeks out this kind of drama and it’s non-stop. Really an insufferable channel

    • Ah yes, a lovely little trap.

      First its all "GamersNexus should just stop acknowledging LTT! So insufferable!"

      Then if that happens, it quickly becomes "What, so GamersNexus cant even report on LTT? PFft, so much for integrity and advocacy!"